
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Answer to Monday's Riddle: The Press is Here!

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we're bringing you right into BEA 2015. Stop by Wednesday and Friday to catch the latest book buzz. See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

When there is a big event, you can bet I'll be sent. I swoop right in to get the scoop; it's my pleasure to be a snoop. I've got a pass to catch the show, and I'll sing about all I know. You're sure to read the story soon- my words spell out its buzzing tune. So grab an article and fix your gaze. My coverage sums up the craze. Where there's action or a gathered flurry, I'll get my things, and I'm off in a hurry.

What am I? Answer: A Reporter/ The Press 

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I
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  1. Look forward to reading your coverage from BEA!

  2. Cool that you got to go as press. But you're an should be on the "celebrity" side of that rope!

  3. I would have definitely missed that! But can't wait to hear how BEA went!

  4. Yay.... I figured this one out ♡ xox

  5. It sounds like lots of fun!


    1. Alright!

      Of course. I almost forgot you girls when to BEA :P


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