
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Answer to Monday's Riddle: Dread On...

The Gashlycrum Tinies by Edward Gorey
Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week, dread is on the menu. Lizzy's review will lead us right into a story about super villains living in disguise, and Friday we'll be chatting with Lee Bacon, so be sure to check back! See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

Chased by something at your heel, this is what you might feel. Looming tests to pass a grade is the stuff from which this word is made. Like molasses, it seeps and sticks; growing harder as time ticks. Guts will clench at a villain's plot, the name of this holds that spot. Felt by you, it's a bubbling brew when you don't know what to do. Just like hair that's left to grow, it twists and turns as you go. 

What are you feeling? Answer: Dread 

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I
Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations

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  1. Very nice, now that I see it, dread fits so much better than my guess! Just love it.

  2. Greetings, my human friend,

    I dread to think what sort of comment my alleged human might have left here :)

    Late for the party, just like my alleged human. Consider this post shared, even on Farcebook aka Farcebark!

    Penny :)

  3. Yeah, sounds like a frightfully fun week.

  4. Ooh, nice riddle. Dread. Gives me shivers.

  5. Dread is much better than anxiety. Great riddle

  6. That was a good one; I was a bit off thinking anxiety or fear :)


  7. I picked as my second choice... I thought of it but wasn't sure xox

  8. Love that illustration. And I definitely wouldn't have gotten this one right, heh!

  9. Excellent riddle! I never would have guessed it, but it's great!

  10. I never guess riddles right but this one was spot on.

  11. I tried to comment on your most recent post about the book Joshua Dread... the box does not pop up for me to do so...

    The book sounds like it would be a good one and I agree, some adults could learn a thing or two from children about being honest and good xox

    1. Launna- So sorry you were having trouble commenting. Thanks for posting her!

      Loved your comment about Joshua Dread! :) ~L

  12. You guys always come up with the best riddles, and this is no exception -- great one!

    ~Michele & Mckenzie @ A Belle's Tales


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