Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday's Riddle: Someplace Else...

Hello Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? Heading out on this journey can be challenging. In my case, a mystery followed! ~ F

This can be a scary notion, trekking across land or even the ocean. Once arrived, it's all unknown; things look different and not like your own. The walls are strangers, watching their hosts. Who knows if there's monsters or perhaps lurking ghosts? When everything's new and there's so much to see, remember this thought at the turn of the key: take in the scene and explore your new room; old cobwebs can be swept out with a broom. Having a friend, even one who's not there, can give real comfort, no matter where. Look on the bright side when the journey's begun, there's sure to be adventure and loads of fun. For even though this change appears hard, it's always exciting to pull a new card. You'll never guess what's to be known, and in no time at all you'll feel right at home.

What am I referring to?

I gave you a clue!
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  1. I think it's a new house or neighborhood.

  2. Moving to a new place, been there done that many a time

  3. Sounds like moving to a new place. That's a cute illustration for the clue.

  4. I'd guess moving too. Thanks for the helpful clue.

  5. Sounds like moving to me too. And an imaginary friend makes almost everything easier to deal with...

  6. Yep. A new house. A new neighborhood.

  7. Moving to a new surrounding/house?

  8. Moving or leaving home for the first time.

  9. This is a good one. I would guess moving.

  10. I agree with everyone else. It's moving day!

  11. I am horrid at riddles but I have to say I really enjoyed reading about "it", whatever it may be...

  12. Moving to a new home - scary and exciting at the same time!

  13. A new place to explore - how fun.

  14. At first I thought moving to a new country. But now I think a new house. Fabulously fun riddle to read. xoxo

  15. Moving...something we have done one too many times!

  16. I agree, moving. The boxes and the truck...

  17. Definitely moving.

  18. Moving! It has to be!


  19. Fun! I'll have to agree with moving :).

  20. Great job guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F


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