
Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday's Riddle: The Best of 2014

Hello Riddlers! This week we'll be wrapping up the year with some of our favorite posts and announcing our December book giveaway winners. 2014 was filled with lots of exciting new books, and we were able to meet so many wonderful authors and illustrators. Here's to a new year, and a big thank you to all of our wonderful readers. ; ) ~ F

Here's my pick for a favorite riddle:

I'm inner imagery; the sense of a scene. I'll make you smell color or carelessly careen. Peddling words when they're tossed and seasoned, I'll deliver to you both rhyme and reason. Some think I'm cheap, too wrapped up in emotion. Some find me scholarly, others seek potion. I can be anything to those who dare leap, it's the blank of my pages that shapes wolves into sheep. What can I be? I'm a genre in history, keeping forever the stroke of life's mystery. Those who write me may become famous, though most end up broke and nameless. But, it matters not the title or author, time sticks to the story like stones in a coffer. 

What am I?

I gave you a clue! 

The answer to this riddle is a clue. ;)  

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  1. Writing a book, as I think the raven and writing table as both can hit a note or something like that.

  2. Cool riddle...

    The clue.... hmmmm.... Ravens stoke imagination and mystery and a writing desk is necessary to convey the same in a writer's mind....

  3. I think it might be imagination, but I'm pretty stumped.

  4. Nice riddle. I cannot believe this year is so close to over.

  5. Why is a raven like a writing desk? Why? I don't know - Alice in Wonderland. Totally stumped

  6. I am thinking diaries, or autobiographies. One of my favourite genres...

  7. That's a tough one! Whenever I see a raven, I think of Edgar Allen Poe. But I have no idea how that would relate to the riddle.

    Hope you have a very Happy New Year, and a great 2015!

  8. It's a book...I think...

    Happy New Year to both of you!

  9. I'm so bad at riddles!!!! But now that I've read through the comments… ;-)

    Thanks for being so awesome, Jess. I love your happiness and energy and it's so refreshing. I hope this next year is so wonderful for you!!!

  10. I'm clueless, as usual. I have enjoyed reading the riddles this year and even got a couple right.

  11. It must be a book...right?
    Side note: I did not know what a coffer was before this day. Thanks! I admit I thought it was going to be another word for a coffin.

  12. A book?

    Happy New Year!

  13. My guess is a book, but I don't know! Love the riddle though!!

  14. A raven and a desk can both produce notes (or some such) so maybe it is a book, but I prefer to think it's imagination.
    Happy New Year.

  15. The answer has been revealed! ;) ~ F

  16. Aw, yay :D Those riddles are pretty awesome. <3 Gorgeous post sweetie :) I have loved following you guys for a long time now. You have awesome posts :) Hope 2015 will be amazing for you all. <3

  17. A poetry book? This was a great one!


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!