
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Answer to Monday's Riddle: An Artist Extraordinaire!

This was a tough "guess who" riddle, but we're excited to be  spotlighting one of our favorite illustrators this week. For those interested in what it takes to pursue a career in children's illustration, stop by Wednesday for some insider secrets. Friday we'll be chatting with Ms. McClintock about her book Leave Your Sleep, so be sure to check back, and have a magical holiday season! See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

Told to go where the wild things are, a bright young girl took the advice of a star. Always brave and known to be witty, she set off on a train to New York City. In a basket, her drawings were placed, and she knocked on doors to meet face to face. Of course her art spoke for itself, and now it can be found on most every shelf. When it's time to leave your sleep, you'll be enchanted by dancers that leap. The music sets you into the scene withelephants and horses, plus every flavor ice cream. You might ask where's mommy while visiting a house where lives a girl and below her, a mouse. Once you're into my grandfather's coat, you'll embark on adventure, sailing off on a boat. There's so many stories, too many to mention, but one thing's for sure, they'll catch your attention. 

Who am I referring to? Answer: Barbara McClintock
"Way back in the dark ages when I attended college, there were no courses available in children's literature, and I was clueless about how to even begin a career as a children's book author/illustrator. I decided to call Maurice Sendak to ask his advice, thinking that he, of anyone, would know how I should proceed. My art Professor encouraged me to call, telling me I had nothing to worry about. "He'll either be nice and tell you what you want to know, or he'll just hang up."  

I called information in the town where Maurice Sendak lived, got his phone number, and dialed. He answered the phone. Maurice was gracious and very helpful; he talked to me for 20 minutes, told me how to put together a portfolio, and recommended I move to New York City." ~ Barbara McClintock 

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  1. A got one wrong,

    That was sure a call worth making.

  2. OMG that is awesome! I imagine back in those days, if you were enterprising enough to find someone's number, they would talk to you. That information is so much easier to track down now, authors and entertainers have to be much more guarded.

  3. Wow, wow and wow. Maurice Sendak was not only an awesome author but a very generous man. I wonder how many of today's authors would be so helpful...

  4. Oh my that is such a good one.
    I like the art on the selected books as well.

  5. So awesome. Thanks for this post. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy prosperous New Year!

  6. OH MY GOODNESS!! You talked to MAURICE SENDAK!! WOW, JUST WOW!!! Hmm. I wonder how many authors would do that today? I guess these days authors have to be more aware. But I would hope that I would be like Mr. Sendak was. Merry Christmas and heres to a wonderful new year. xoxo

  7. Being a children's book illustrator must be so much fun! I love picture book illustrations (which is one of the reasons I write picture books). Enjoyed this interview! Have a great Christmas!


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