Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Answer to Monday's Riddle: Laughing Gas!

Excellent guessing Riddlers! This week we're in for an extraordinary show. Lizzy's review will be a blast, and Friday we'll be chatting with Kathleen Krull, so be sure to check back! See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

Naturally, I shall pass, like a star releasing gas. I gurgle and burble, then chime right in, brewing magic from within. Cast as vulgar by those deemed fit; I'm even finer once I'm lit. The scent I carry isn't the show, it's the way I resonate high to low. Not a flautist, but surely the same- for mine is a subtle take on the name. A frenchman gave a bang for a buck. He knew how to tune me, and the melody stuck. I'm like an instrument, but I've got flourish; making music with the source you nourish. A fleeting wind come up from below, bringing fun to the whole, silly show.

What am I? Answer: A Fart! 

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  1. +JMJ+

    Laughing gas is a nice euphemism! ;-)

  2. Many took the fart guess to heart

  3. I love the riddle - so clever! And the illustration is perfect. I figured he was "tooting" even before I read the riddle and answer. Funny! :)


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