
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Answer to Monday's Riddle is a Book Bonanza!

Excellent guessing Riddlers! In the spirit of All Hallow's Read with Neil Gaiman, we're giving away lots of great books this week. :)

The Alias Men: Book 3 in the Double Vision series by F. T Bradley is out today, and we couldn't be more excited to host a giveaway for signed copies of this action-packed trilogy. Enter the rafflecopter form below for your chance to win!

Ferry's Scary Giveaway is happening until Halloween, and even though he'd rather stay in hell on that ghoulish day, he's got a mystery book prize that he's dying to giveaway. You can also catch an exclusive interview with the bakerman from hell, so stop by the post and give yourself a thrill. ;)

Lizzy's Review will be taken over by the 5th annual Spooktacular Hop, hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a Writer. We've got a chilling book prize pack up for grabs, plus there's lots of great blogs participating that will be handing out books like candy and terrifying you with monstrous prizes.

Friday, stop by for the Character Book Club, where Linc from the Double Vision series will be chatting with the DMS. It's sure to be an excellent time! See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

The gift of words sets you free, linking up thoughts between you and me. Pages show scenes that play in the mind, bringing up feelings that eternally bind. You never know what's in store, for when given to you, they live once more. The tellers and peddlers of these letter like darts take aim with precision at all of our hearts. Weaving their tales into our fashion; colors run deep when sewn with passion. Shared with another they remind us in time, that we're sisters and brothers of all humankind. Connected to spirit, we're boundless and true, and the way we remember is passed onto you. 

What am I referring to? Answer: Sharing Stories! 

Follow along with the 
Double Vision: The Alias Men blog tour!

Oct. 14Double Vision: The Alias Men is released! Have a virtual party at the YA Sleuth blog…! And follow F.T. on Twitter @FTBradleyAuthor for more kid spy fun.

Oct. 16: F.T. Bradley gives you Five Ways to Bring MG into The Classroom at the Unleashing Readers blog, plus a GIVEAWAY.

Oct. 17: Linc is interviewed by Lizzy, Fairday and Marcus over at The Secret Files of Fairday Morrow blog. A fun post!

Oct. 20Buried in Books lets F.T. Bradley talk about the Double Vision trilogy…

Oct. 20: Also this day, the fabulous Ms. Yingling reviews Double Vision: The Alias Men on her blog for Marvelous MG Monday…

Oct. 21: Another favorite blog, YA Book Nerd, hosts F.T. Bradley and the Double Vision trilogy, plus a GIVEAWAY

Oct. 21: F.T. hangs out at Sleuths, Spies and Alibis

Oct. 24: F.T. Bradley gives tips for parents of reluctant readers, Seven Ways to Get Your Kid to Read, at Pragmatic Mom’s blog, plus a GIVEAWAY!

Oct. 25: At the Nerdy Book Club, find F.T. Bradley’s top 10 books for reluctant readers...

Enter the Book Giveaway: 
1) Follow Fairday's Blog with GFC or Bloglovin
2) Leave us a comment: 
If you were a hollywood actor/ actress what character role would you want to play?
3) Fill out the Rafflecopter form below 

Giveaway Runs until October 31st
(Open to US and International )

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Great post. I'd really rather like to play the role of Edward Scissorhand's mother as I feel he is desperately in need of a hug.

    1. I'm a follower on GFC though think I'm registered under Petty Witter.

  2. So much going on. I think you rather enjoy this time of year!

  3. I think I'd like to play the part of a ballerina that travels the world performing.

  4. So many giveaways! Awesome, Thanks for sharing!

  5. That riddle was a trick question... (;
    I would say my favorite Halloween or scary story would have to be... Werewolf Skin by R.L. Stine. That's the only book I can think of. I like that particularly story because it's spooky without being downright scary.
    Thank you for the giveaways!

  6. I missed the riddle! Oh well, at least now I know the answer. :) Have a great rest of the week!

  7. I would like to play a villain ;)


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