Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday's Riddle: A Tramp's Style...

Hello Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? Our good friend and middle grade author, Phoebe Stone, loves these. ; ) ~ F

The top hat was known as a big hit, but I'm even better; a more comfortable fit. When riding near trees, certain to dip, I'll not bend or break, nor will I tip. I was made by two brothers, worn by the guard, run by the rails, then a tramp played my card. I'm not flimsy or frilly, and I don't like to boast. Gentlemen in the 20's wore me the most. 

What am I?

I gave you a clue!

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  1. Oh dear, I have no idea. Is it a type of hat?

  2. This one got me, I am not really into hats but I cannot wait to hear what it is.

  3. My guess is a bowler? And I think every business man in London used to wear one until the 1970s!

  4. Going with the bowler. They were the rage in the 20's.

  5. Bowler or maybe a boater as favoured by the great gatsby? My dad wore a flat cap for most of his life so that could be another option.

  6. I was going to say a derby hat, but most of these comments mention a bowler. Hmm... Great riddle!

    1. But then I suppose derby and bowler are the same thing!

  7. First I thought maybe a pork pie hat, but now I think a bowler.

  8. So not sure. Though I feel you gave us enough hints to know. I'll go with bowler since everyone else is.

  9. Yikes! No clue - although bowler is the popular answer! :)


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