
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Can Linc Find the Dangerous Double?

Linc Baker thought his days with the top secret agency, Pandora, were over. Then he gets a call that he's needed immediately for a case in LA, because Benjamin Green (junior detective agent) is out of town. Luckily, Linc’s headed there with his parents for their annual family reunion. His mission is to find a “Dangerous Double”, a bowler hat which belonged to Charlie Chaplin, a famous movie star from the 1920s. The hat has powers that will allow the criminal, Ethan Melais, to complete his sinister plan. Linc has a clue where the hat is, and his plan is to nab it while on a tour of a Hollywood studio. Things become more complicated when he can't get the Dangerous Double and a famous director decides he must have Linc in his movie. This could be his chance to get closer to the Dangerous Double and figure out who the elusive Ethan Melais is, but it definitely is not making things easier with the Baker Family Reunion. Add his nemesis, Benjamin Green, on to the scene and things become a whole lot more stressful. Linc wonders if he'll ever get the recognition he deserves and worries that now that the “real junior detective” is back in town he’ll be pushed aside. Will the dangerous double be found? Will Ben and Linc ever bury the hatchet between them? Who is Ethan Melais, and will he ever be found? Read this page turning action-packed book to find out!

I was so excited to read the third book in the Double Vision series: The Alias Men by F.T. Bradley. Having enjoyed Linc’s other adventures, I knew this would be no different. It was great getting back into the detective business and finding out a little bit more about “old” Hollywood. I've always thought Linc was a cool guy, and I appreciate his fly by the seat of your pants type of detective work. But I also like Benjamin Green’s systematic method of keeping track of a suspect. Their rivalry seems very believable and they each add to the story. I also thought it was fun to get to know Linc’s grandfather better, and the young starlet from the movie set, Savannah, kept Linc on his toes. I recommend this book to kids in grades four and up who like adventure, spy themes, suspense, and a little bit of danger in the books they read. I've enjoyed every book I've read by F.T. Bradley and look forward to reading her next book. I think this might be the last book in the series, but I hope I'm wrong. I would love to read more about Linc!

Double Vision: The Alias Men will hit bookshelves everywhere October 14th, so keep an eye out for this excellent adventure! Has anyone else read any of the Double Vision books by F.T. Bradley? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Happy Reading!

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  1. Thanks for the kind review!! I'm working hard on the next book :-)

    1. FT Bradley- It is an excellent book. Can't wait for your next one. :) ~L

  2. This sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the review.

  3. These sound like so much fun. Something I would have loved at that age :)

    1. Meradeth- I think it is going to be a big hit! :) ~L

  4. Another great review! This sound like a wonderful series for kids who like adventure and most of them do.

    1. Anna- Thanks so much! Your comment is spot on. :) ~L

  5. Sounds like such a fun read! Thanks for the review!

    1. Cherie- You are welcome! Definitely an entertaining book! :) ~L

  6. Sounds like a fun read that will appeal to both boys and girls.

  7. I love that this is a detective story for this age bracket. How awesome is that? Glad to hear it is so well done!

  8. I have not read any of these books, but they sound interesting. I'll have to see if my niece or nephew has checked these out yet. (Literally, since my brother in law works at their local library!) Thanks for the info and review!

    1. Karen- Hoe cool that your brother in law works at his local library. If your niece and nephew haven't read this series- they will love it. :) ~L

  9. This definitely sounds like a page-turner. I'll have to put it on my list of books for my son to read.

    1. Sherry- An excellent choice for your sons TBR list. :) ~L

  10. Sounds like a good read and I like the cover.

  11. The author's name sounds familiar and the title, The Alias Men, sounds like one from the movies. I hope Linc finds Charlie Chaplin's hat. Sounds like a fun, thrilling read!

    1. Claudine- I agree that The Alias Men has a catchy title! Definitely a thrilling read. :) ~L

  12. This sounds great!! Something I can enjoy with my kiddo, too! Thanks so much for sharing and putting this on my radar! :)

    1. A Belle's Take- You are welcome! Fun for the whole family. :) ~L

  13. That's pretty cool that The Alias Men got into the history of Charlie Chaplin. I know practically nothing about old Hollywood so it would be interesting to read about the topic in a fiction book.
    I'd like to see where the rivalry came from with the other books in the series. I'm happy you are able to enjoy this series so much!

    1. Adriana- The rivalry is definitely interesting and keeps the story exciting. I liked learning more about Hollywood in this book, while the other books in the series brought us to other places. Enjoy! :) ~L

  14. Heidi- It is a fun, unique book! :) ~L


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