
Sunday, March 16, 2014

The DMS Wants to Know!

Monday's Riddle let the mystery out of the box, and Lizzy's review of Floors by Patrick Carman took us into a fascinating hotel where clues are found in boxes. Thursday, the Character Book Club gathered together once more, and it was great to find out what Tomato and Pea had to say to Taylor Davis. Today, we want to hear from you!

The DMS wants to know: 
What is the coolest thing you've ever pulled out of a box?

Week theme: Boxes 

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  1. My Gibson guitar. Technically it came out of a case, but close enough.

    1. Alex- Definitely close enough! Awesome! :) ~L

  2. Copies of my own books. ;) It's hard to top that.

    1. Kelly- I can only imagine how exciting that would be! :) ~L

  3. The first dress I ordered when I found out my baby was going to be a girl. 24 years and nothing has topped that yet. Except maybe a tie with the first mini baseball cap I ordered when I knew my son was on the way.

    1. Leslie- How sweet! That does sound so exciting. :) ~L

  4. When I was a very young child I was given a miniature bone china tea set - white with yellow roses painted on it - I can still remember how exciting it was unpacking it - now almost 50 years ago!

    1. Sharon- It must have been amazing to unpack that set. I love that it is still with you almost 50 years later. :) ~L


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