
Saturday, September 14, 2013

The DMS Wants to Know!

Monday's Riddle contacted the spirits, and Lizzy's review of The Ghost of Fossil Glen by Cynthia DeFelice told us about a spooky encounter. Thursday on Top of the Heap, Fairday's mom, Pru, popped by to tell us her supernatural story, and Friday, we were enchanted by Cornelia Funke, who told us a little more about her story Inkheart. Today, we want to hear from you!

The DMS wants to know: 
Have you ever communicated with the spirits?

We told you ours. Now, let's hear yours! 


  1. I have never communicated with the spirits. I do believe in spirits/ghosts but I feel like they would never try to contact me. I believe in them but I'm too much of a realist which makes no sense but it's what it is.

    1. Adriana- What a thoughtful response! Thanks for sharing. :) ~L

  2. I never have. I've felt some random things in the ancient house I grew up in that would make me wonder sometimes, but it could have been my imagination. It definitely freaks me out a bit though, for no good reason, so I doubt I'll be seeking them out!

    1. Meradeth- I understand what you mean about old houses! :) ~L

  3. Hi Jess and Stephanie! Wow I've been gone too long.

    I've never truly contacted spirits, although I do remember messing around with some friends from school with a make shift ouija board. It was soooo bad. All we did was write letters and numbers on a piece of paper, put a coin on top of it and I think someone just started moving it around - and we were all spooked out of course. :P

    1. Toni- Welcome back! Thanks for sharing your story about using Ouija boards with friends. They do tend to spook us! :) ~Jess and Stephanie

  4. I tried to, but it has never happened.

  5. Yes I have...when my mom died she came to me in a dream and told me not to worry about her....but first she asked me if I knew where she was...that counts...don't you think?

  6. I also dream about my mom and occasionally my dad who have both passed away. She is usually speaking to me (often on the phone so I can hear but not see her). In the dream I know there is something 'wrong' with such an ordinary conversation - its only when I wake up that I realise what it is.

    Once when I was young I went to see a man who could see into the future - I hesitate to call him a fortune teller but I suppose that's what he was. He suddenly looked up and asked if he could help a man who appeared at the door behind me, then laughed and said it was someone who is 'with' me all the time. I was too startled to ask what the man looked like & who he was - I've kicked myself about that ever since.

    1. My mom has had the same experience. I think she's dreamed about her dad mainly. He's talking to her and she can't hear him. She says she thinks he just wants to check to see if she's okay (:

    2. Sharon- Your dreams sound very powerful! What an interesting experience with the man who could see into the future. I can see why you wish you had asked him more about the man who is with you all the time!

      Adriana- Your mom's dreams sound very real. I hope they make her feel better when she wakes up from them. :) ~L

  7. I'm not sure. When I was about three years old, I vividly recall, to this day, being raised up from my bed and floated to the ceiling. I was then gently lowered back down. Maybe I dreamt it. It seemed so real.

    1. Klahanie- How fascinating! What an experience! :) ~L

  8. I’m not sure it could be classed as communing with the spirits, but I did visit a medium who told me my mum would live to a very great age (she didn’t) and that the baby my friend's daughter was carrying would be a girl (he is a boy).
    I do, however, believe there is something to it. I just picked the wrong 'medium'.

    1. Barbara- What an interesting experience. I think you are right and there are better ones out there. :) ~L

  9. No. But I can be extremely paranoid and think every sound has a weird cause. :)

  10. I think there are many ways to communicate with spirits, but I think you have to be careful doing it.


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