
Saturday, September 7, 2013

The DMS Wants to Know!

Monday's Riddle put the pieces of the puzzle into place and Lizzy's review of Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper brought us into the mind of Melody and her struggles to be heard. Thursday on Top of the Heap, we shared a puzzle for you to solve, and Friday, Margo shared Daughter of Earth: A Roman Myth retold and illustrated by Gerald McDermott.  Today, we want to hear from you!

The DMS wants to know: 

What is the best puzzle you have ever solved (it can be physical, emotional, or something that simply stumped you)?  Or is there a puzzle you are still hoping to figure out?

You tell us yours and we will tell you ours!


  1. The puzzle for me is emotional, and physical and has totally stumped me. I have always wanted solve this puzzle "Faith" is it a physical thing? and real or an emotive emotion created by our minds so we can live in this world, without going crazy.
    love your site be well.

    1. Terence- I think there are a lot of people trying to solve that same puzzle. So glad you enjoy our site. :) Be well, too! ~L

  2. Good question. The first thing that comes to mind is plot holes and other doozies that I've had to solve while writing. Those can make me crazy!

    1. Meradeth- Plot holes can definitely give you a lot to think about. :) ~L

  3. I can't solve the puzzle of why can't people get along.

  4. I view video games as puzzles and the only video game I've won was Zelda. It felt amazing to win.

    1. Medeia- How awesome that you beat Zelda! I am sure that was a great feeling. I am always so proud when I have beaten a hard video game. :) ~L

  5. My daughter plays games on my Kindle and it amazes me how tough some of them are. They make the kids figure out puzzles and they have to be done in sequential order to figure out the overall puzzle. The tough part is that order isn't always obvious so it takes a few tries.

    1. Kelly- There are so many games for phones and devices now- I think it is great that we can train our brain by doing all sorts of puzzles. :) Sounds like your daughter is working her brain! :) ~L

  6. Ooh that's a hard question to answer - one I'll no doubt puzzle over for a while.

  7. I want to solve the puzzle of why an even number of socks go in the dryer, but an odd number comes out. This is certainly one of the great mysteries of all time :)

    Paul R. Hewlett

    1. Paul- That is a tough question and it seems to happen to everyone. One of my friends wrote a story in class about a sock monster- who lives in the basement and eats socks. :) ~L

  8. I wish I could solve the puzzle of how to be able to stop working (and still have a roof over my head and food in my tummy) and have the luxury of doing all the pastimes I never have the time to do!

    There are people who seem to have managed to figure this one out but it has always eluded me :-)

    1. Sharon- I am right there with you. If you figure it out- please let me know and I will do the same for you. :) ~Stephanie

  9. I.. do not know. There is so many things in my life unsolved, though I can't think of a puzzle, hih.

    1. Carina- You are right- there are so many things about life that are unsolved. ;) ~L

  10. I just bought a jigsaw puzzle app for my iPad and I love that's the best puzzle I am now playing. You can decide how many pieces you want in your puzzle! I love that!

    1. Patty- That sounds like a lot of fun! :) ~L

  11. Figuring out that sometimes friends grow apart. That was a hard puzzle that I hadn't figured out until middle school :/

    1. Adriana- That is a tough puzzle for most people. It is hard when friends grow apart! ~L

  12. Ohhh! I'm slogging through the puzzle of setting up in the US tax system as a person living overseas!

    1. Nas- That does sound like quite the puzzle. Good luck! :) ~L

  13. Hmm... I don't know about the best, but a recent example is from the wee hours of this morning while working on my novel rewrite. I was trying to come up with a transition sentence between two existing parts, but nothing was working. We're talking almost two hours of typing & deleting, pacing, snacking, banging my head against the desk. Then I suddenly remembered a plot point from earlier in the novel I'd left dangling. It was exactly what needed to go in that part as the transition. I guess nothing seemed right there because the subconscious part of my brain knew what had to go there and held up progress until my conscious brain puzzled it out. :-)

    1. Jocelyn- I know exactly what you are talking about! It is funny how our brains subconsciously know what we need to do and nothing will work until the rest of our brain figures it out. Glad you pieced together your puzzle. :) ~Stephanie

  14. The day I solved the puzzle to my drinking. The day when I nearly died in hospital from alcohol abuse. The tears in the eyes of my nine year old son revealed the answer to the puzzle. I left hospital a free man and became a good dad.

    In peace,


    1. Gary- What an important puzzle to solve. I am glad you figured out the solution to your puzzle and that you are a freer person and a better dad now. I am sure you son is happy! :) ~Stephanie

  15. I hate solving puzzles. The biggest one right now is my novel, and thankfully I don't hate it enough to give up on it. Yet :).

    1. Damyanti- Puzzles can be tricky. Glad the puzzle of your novel isn't too stressful! :) ~L

  16. I wish I could puzzle out how to find enough time to do everything I want/need to do. That particular puzzle has stumped me for years.

    1. Barbara- Me too! So much to do and I need more time! Good luck! :) ~L

  17. Why we fight - that's a puzzle to me. I can understand arguments, but not taking up arms and rushing across a field to kill men. Why don't we just talk? Maybe make a Common Peace Agreement!

    1. Erik- I am with you! I wish we could solve our problems peacefully. We can each start by doing our part to be kind and spread peace. :) ~L

  18. Heidi- Games are definitely tricky puzzles. I always feel so good when I beat a level that was causing me problems. Good luck! :) ~L

  19. I enjoy puzzles of any kind, but some I just can't solve. I think I play puzzle games almost as much as word games.


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