
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Monday's Riddle kept us circling, and Lizzy's review of Signal by Cynthia DeFelice led us into the maize. Friday, The Character Book Club is meeting over at our friend Millie's blog. Stop by to find out what A Pirate, A Blockade Runner, and a Cat have in common, and Saturday,we always like to hear from you on The DMS Wants to Know. Today, we thought we'd show off a few cool crop circles that have mysteriously appeared on our planet!

This week's top of the heap: It's all about crop circles...

Fairday & Lizzy: We're both in awe of the creativity and detail involved in making a crop circle, and the mystery of it all is intriguing! ~ F & L

Here's some cool shots of this land art from around the world: 

In "real" crop circles it has been observed that the nodes are often bent -- sometimes at 90 degrees -- and this accounts for the horizontal positioning that makes the designs of the crop circle. Other nodes exhibit holes in the nodes, while surrounding crops show none of these changes.

The Stonehenge Julian formation is the best documented enigma. No one has yet claimed responsibility for it, nor has anyone explained how it was made so fast and clandestine. Learn more!



  1. Amazing! The Homer one is too funny :)

    1. Hi Meradeth,
      Thanks so much for stopping by! Home is hilarious : ) ~ F

  2. Gorgeous designs. Makes you wonder!
    The Homer one's hilarious.

    1. Hi Cate,
      They are so fabulous! lol w/ Homer- when I saw that, I couldn't help but laugh : ) ~ F

  3. I loved those images... the Homer one made me laugh.

    1. Hi tfwalsh, Thanks so much for stopping by! It's great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  4. Living close to Stonehenge I knew of the Julian formation, but it was fascinating to read more about it. Homer brings just the right touch of humour to a slightly scary subject.

    1. Hi Barbara, That is so cool!!! Someday, we have to come visit you- I would love, love, love to see Stonehenge! lol with Homer- he's hilarious! Always lovely to hear from you- thanks so much for stopping by : ) ~ F

  5. Now, this was quite interesting. I learned things I didn't know.

    1. Donna- So glad you enjoyed the post and learned something too! :) ~L

  6. I never thought about it but maybe it's some artist's way of of well showing off their art? Because if that's real it can't be a random coincidence especially the Homer one (;

    1. Adrian- Homer definitely makes it seem like art! :) ~L


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