
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Top of the Heap!

Monday's Riddle gave us courage, and Lizzy's review of Thunder from the Sea by Joan Hiatt Harlow showed us a brave face. Friday, get ready, because Sharon Creech is stopping by to tell us about the story behind her stories, and Saturday, we can't wait to hear your bold thoughts on The DMS Wants to Know! Today, we thought we'd shout out to those who understand what it means to be brave.

This week's top of the heap: Being Brave!

Do you know who this is? 
Fairday: I think the bravest people are those who aren't afraid to be themselves. It's easy to lose yourself in the world; easy to accept familiar ideas and labels- but, a brave soul sees it all, loves it for what it is, and remains grateful for the chance to be themselves and enjoy life!

My mind skips to the musicians and artists who are brave enough to follow their dreams- immeasurable characters who inspire the spirit and expand the creative space that fills us all, infinatly. : ) ~ F

Lizzy: I think the most courageous people are those who are willing to sacrifice their own safety to save another- firemen, policeman, rescue workers. What these people accomplish is amazing! They are true heroes and the bravest of souls. ~ L


  1. There are many types of courage. Those with sick relatives or facing a long illness themselves often display a lot of courage.

  2. First, I love that poem! I wish someone had taught it to me when I was young. It would have made me feel better about being the weird kid who liked to read instead of play. Next, I think bravery is doing something even though you're afraid of it.

  3. Love this post. Both thoughts on being brave are excellent and definitely something to think about. Fun poem as well! Sorry, Stephanie you are having trouble commenting on my blog. For whatever reason some comments are going in spam. I will get the ones that disappear and post them so don't worry. I am passing them along to Typepad. Hopefully it will be sorted out soon. Thanks for being patient!

    1. Hi M Pax, So true. Dealing with illness takes a great amount of courage and strength. Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us! ~ F\

      Hi Lexa, Thanks! A simple little rhyme to inspire the spirit! I completely agree! ~ F

      Hi Heidi, No worries, I am commenting in one block to everyone because blogger is acting bizarre again- lol! It has its own personality : ) Thanks so much for popping by to share your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  4. Bravery = doing something you think is right in spite of your fear. Following your conscience. I think some people do things not out of bravery, but out of a wish to shock, become popular, or gain notoriety. It all depends on the attitude behind the act. I don't dare judge any individual though. I was lucky to survive my teenage years. This is a great post.

  5. Love the poem.
    The saying "Top of the Heap", is just begging to be riddled.
    So Riddle me a riddle from the top of the heap, I'm sure it's something we all will keep.. Agman

    1. Hi Terence, Love the rhyme! Thanks for stopping by- would love to hear your riddle for TOH : ) ~ F

  6. I'm just playing catch up with all your fab posts. I have to agree with Fairday AND Lizzy. It is incredibly difficult to just be yourself but then again, fighting fires calls for a different kind of guts. (Sorry I hate that word, but it just fits!)

    1. Barbara- Thanks for stopping in! We always love to hear from you. :) I agree with you that guts does work in that instance! ~L

  7. Definitely being brave is being who you really are. Important to remember that sometimes. Great post.

    1. Thanks, Donna! It is important to be who you really are! ~L


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!