
Saturday, June 15, 2013

The DMS Wants to Know!

Monday's Riddle brought some courage to the table, and Lizzy's review of Thunder from the Sea by Joan Hiatt Harlow was a tale of bravery. Thursday on Top of the Heap, we shared our thoughts on the topic with you, and Friday, Sharon Creech stopped by to tell us about her experience as an author. The Character Book Club met on Friday at The Write Game, and it was great to hear what our friends, Eric and Stig from The Deliverers, had to say to Pete from Alligators Overhead. Today, we want to hear from you!

The DMS wants to know: 
What is an act of bravery that you've witnessed?

We told you ours. Now, let's hear yours! 


  1. An act of bravery...that's a tough one.. right now the faces of those firefighters going into the buildings on 9/11 flashes in my mind. Truly heroic!

  2. Great question--definitely makes me think! Sometimes it's the little things that come to mind, like some of my students this past semester, managing to get up in front of the class to present. I know it was really hard for a lot of them, but I was impressed with their bravery!

    1. Meradeth- Getting up to speak in front of others can take a lot of courage and bravery. Great example! :) ~L

  3. I think we witness acts of bravery everything someone puts themselves at risk to help others. I agree with Heidi about the 9/11 first responders, but also the people who talk down hostage takers, the people who fight forest fires, the journalists who go to dangerous areas to tell the story. And Meradeth is right as well, there are sometimes small acts of courage like her students.
    I think we see acts of courage and bravery everyday but we don't stop enough to think about it.

    1. Alex- So true! There are acts of bravery around us each day and so many people put their lives on the line to help others. Thanks to everyone who helps others and risks their lives for others. ~L

  4. Ooh, that is a question and a half. The first thing that comes to mind is my friends courageous fight against cancer. A battle that she knew she wasn't going to win but fought so bravely in order that she got to spend as much time with her husband and young children as possible.

  5. The man who saved the runner at the Boston Marathon...amazing acts of bravery...

    1. Patty- Yes! Lots of acts of bravery during that tragedy. ~L

  6. All the firefighters/soldiers/policemen/prison officers everywhere.

    1. Nas- Yes! Thanks to all of them for their bravery and efforts. ~L

  7. I thought about being glib on this one and then decided glib was not right. Today I watched as a blind woman crossed the street with only her cane and her beautiful dog. I thought, "Brave."
    An elderly man came out of the passenger side of a car, grimaced but caught himself and smiled at me as I passed. I thought, "Brave."
    There are small brave acts daily. Then there are the moments when a hero steps up: a fire to put out, an accident victim to save, a battle to fight.
    Whether it's on the personal human scale of the everyday or the grand scale of the catastrophe, bravery is everywhere.

    Now, my glibness: subbing a manuscript. There's another kind of brave act.

    1. Lee- What beautiful examples. Brave acts are all around us. I could easily picture the scenes you painted for us. Submitting a manuscript and having someone read your words is also very brave (and very scary). :) ~L


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