
Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday's Riddle! Travel into You...

Hello Riddlers! Can you guess the theme this week? I remember that my first one was a smell... interesting ; ) ~ F

Dreams and notions go streaming by- catch them quickly with your naked eye. Chart the scene in inky thought and connect the dots how you're taught. It makes no difference, the world around, when lost inside familiar ground. You and me, we have such time to watch ourselves learn the rhyme. When floating easy in your space, view a clip, and know my face.  

What am I? 

I gave you a clue!


  1. I feel like it's inevitable that I will get this wrong but I'm going to say an idea.

  2. I'm thinking inspiration for a story.

  3. I am starting to feel really stupid...I again...have no clue!

  4. A thought or idea? Katertot says a daydream. Whatever the answer, it is a lovely riddle!

  5. Darn, I saw C. Lee's guess before I started typing and now can't get her idea out of my head. I can't guess 1st draft like she did, so I'll just wait for the answer. Great riddle!

    Paul R. Hewlett

  6. Writing. More exact, writing a story/book! :D

  7. I know the answer but I can't give it away. Just want to add: great lines, ladies!

  8. It must be a thought – the first inkling of something?

  9. +JMJ+

    At first I thought it was a dream diary . . . but now I think it's a doodle that you make while daydreaming. =)

  10. Excellent guessing Riddlers! If my memory serves me right, the answer has been revealed
    ; ) ~ F


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