
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Psst! Ellen Tebbits Has A Secret...

Ellen Tebbits has a secret, but no one to share it with. So, when she finds someone else who has to wear horrible woolen winter underpants, finally she's not alone anymore. Even though Austine is the new girl, they become fast friends and spend as much time together as possible. The only other thing that would make everything perfect is if her teacher would choose her to clap the erasers. For some reason, she never gets picked for this chore, and she desperately wants to feel that chalk dust fly! It seems so magical. But, Ellen is just thankful that she had found such a wonderful new best friend, and she can't believe how much fun she's having. When the two girls ask their moms to make them identical dresses for the first day of fourth grade, they set the spark in motion and rush to pick out matching fabric. All summer long, the talk is about the dresses and how fabulous it will be to look like twins. Ellen can't wait. But, at the last minute, there's a problem. Austine's dress doesn't come out as nice as Ellen's, and when a simple tug unties a pretty sash, everything begins to come undone. Their bright, new friendship starts to fade, and Ellen doesn't know what to do. Will Austine and Ellen wear their new dresses? Will they be able to stay friends? What will happen when school starts? Will Ellen ever get to clap the erasers? You will have to read this classic to find out!

Ellen Tebbits by Beverly Cleary is one of my favorite middle grade novels. I love Ellen, and can easily relate to her. The relationship between the two girls is genuine and the way their friendship blossoms is fun to follow along with. The characters are realistic and the writing is fantastic. The simple illustrations really add to the style and rhythm of the book. It's about new beginnings, friendship, and self discovery. A great story to pass along to someone who loves to read a fun book with excellent characters and lovely scenery ; ) Happy reading! ~ F

Has anyone else read Ellen Tebbits or anything other books by Beverly Cleary?


  1. So glad you loved this book :D I adore middle grade books. Don't think this would be a book for me, though :\ But I do think it sounds great :D And I'm glad the characters and story is great. <3 Thank you for sharing sweetie :)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  2. Clapping erasers? I wonder if how many remember that. This sounds like a book that is just my cup of tea. I don't know how I have missed it, but I will be looking for it. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    1. Hi Alex, I know, right! We hope you like the book, it's a great one : ) Thanks so much for stopping by! ~ Jess

  3. I still have my hard copy of Ellen Tebbits. It was my favorite book in elementary school (3rd grade, maybe?). I checked it out at the school library so many times my mom bought me my own copy. It's not in Peanut's room on her bookshelf.

    1. Hi Stephanie, I have a soft cover that I've treasured for years- and it was amazing to re-read this fun book and remember why I liked it so much : ) Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts with us! ~ Jess

  4. Great review! I haven't actually read this one but the fact that the author is one to note goes without saying. Sounds like a fun read indeed and one that spans generations...thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi GMR, It's one of my favorite Beverly Cleary books- she's amazing! Lovely to hear from you- thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  5. I have tagged you in a on-going post, it is a questionnaire and a pass along about a new upcoming book. Enjoy, and love your blog, I read your post often. :)

    1. Hi J.T., Thanks so much! Stephanie and I will definitely check it out. We appreciate your kind words! Lovely to hear from you- thanks for popping by : ) ~ Jess

  6. Hi Heidi, She truly is! I loved the Ramona series, and was just chatting about The Mouse and the Motorcycle last night- another favorite of mine. Fun to re-visit Beverly Cleary! I forgot about the whole erasers part, and I can so relate to Ellen's enjoyment of it- shows my age- lol. Thanks for popping over to visit! Great to hear from you : ) ~ Jess

  7. Hi Carina, Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us! Beverly Cleary has some amazing stories to share- lovely to hear from you! ~ F

  8. I haven't read this book. I don't think I've even read anything by Beverly Clearly. This sounds like such a nice read. A perfect book to have when you want something light and sweet (:

    1. Adriana- I think you would enjoy Beverly Cleary! I have read all of her books and she creates such realistic characters. Happy reading! ~L

  9. Awww, I haven't read Ellen Tebbits yet. But I love the Ramona books :)

    1. Angela- I love the Ramona books, too! I think you will really enjoy Ellen Tebbits! Happy reading! ~L


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