
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Will it be a Smooth Landing?

This touching story is told through the eyes of Chuck, Lori and “Mom”.  The family lives in a very small town in Ohio. When they were little, Lori and Chuck’s dad died, and they moved to their grandparents’ farm with their mom and their three younger brothers and sisters. Lori and Chuck were best friends when they were younger, but as they have gotten older they have grown apart. Lori is a year younger than Chuck, but she is popular and involved in all kinds of social clubs. Being cool is very important to her. Chuck is overweight and an outcast. Kids make fun of him and his sister doesn’t do anything to help the situation. Lori and Chuck’s mom is a motivational speaker. Her job causes her to travel a lot, which makes Lori resentful. Lori and Chuck are invited along on their mom’s next motivational speaking tour, so that they can see more of the world and learn about their mom’s job. Will Lori and Chuck be able to get back their old friendship? Can they be inspired to be a family again? Just what is it their mom does as a motivational speaker? Reading this realistic fictional book will make you think about your own life and the choices you are making! Plus, you will want to know what happens to Lori, Chuck, and their mom.

Takeoffs and Landings by Margaret Peterson Haddix will appeal to kids from fifth grade through middle school. The characters are easy to relate to and the relationships portrayed in the book are believable. I think this book would be especially helpful for kids that have lost a parent or loved one. I found the story to be touching and eye-opening. I especially liked how the various takeoffs and landings throughout the story helped Lori, Chuck, and their mom to grow and reflect on their lives. The story has some sadness, but throughout it we are reminded that, although life has its ups and downs, it is important to appreciate each other, our differences, and to stand united with our family. We can’t lose sight of what it important.

Has anyone else read Takeoffs and Landings? Or have you read another book by Margaret Peterson Haddix? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. As well as for family use this sounds like an ideal resource for a school or such library.

  2. I hadn't heard of this, but I love the theme. I agree with Petty; this would be a wonderful choice for a school library.

    1. Lee- It is a terrific theme. A great book to learn from! ~L

  3. I have not read anything by her, but I am putting this one on my "to-read" list it sounds really good. Thanks so much for reviewing & sharing.

    Paul R. Hewlett

    1. Lionel- So glad that this book appeals to you. I love this author! ~L

  4. A very interesting review. Family interaction themes are among my favorite kinds of books.

    1. Anna- It is always fascinating to read about different families and relationships. Glad you enjoyed the review. ~L

  5. I haven't read anything by this author, but your review certainly made me curious about her book!

    1. Jay- Margaret Peterson Haddix is a talented author and I love her books. I especially enjoyed her Shadow Children series. Thanks for stopping by! ~L

  6. Although I have known of this author I have never read her books but I would like to!

    1. Patty- I think you would enjoy her books! Happy reading! ~L

  7. Sounds good. I haven't read this one by her, but Ms. Haddix is an awesome author! :)

    1. This Kid Reviews Books- I agree with you that Ms. Haddix is an awesome author! :) ~L

  8. This one sounds good. I haven't heard of this one before so I guess it's going on my Amazon wishlist :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

    1. Kimberly- This is a great book. Definitely made me think! Happy reading! ~L

  9. I love M.P.H.'s Shadow Children series - it's a great concept and she definitely tackles tough situations with grace & class. I haven't read this one yet (hadn't heard of it!), but I'll definitely be picking it up. Thanks!!

    1. Jemi- I love the Shadow Children's series, too! It is such a well-written series and it really made me think. Hope you like this one, too! ~L

  10. Heidi- It does have good life lessons. Thanks for stopping by. :) ~L

  11. I've never read this book, but I like where it's going. Peer pressure is a tough thing to deal with.

    1. Donna- You are so right. Peer pressure is such a tough thing to deal with! ~L


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