
Saturday, December 29, 2012

The DMS Wants to Know!

This week was a whirlwind of holiday magic! It was great to share the poem Twas' the Night Before Christmas with all of you, and our 2012 recap of The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie Andrews was quite an adventure. Looking back at our first Top of the Heap post was fun, and Friday, Margo and I were so happy to share one of our favorite gifts with all of you! Reading and listening to Leave Your Sleep written by Natalie Merchant and Illustrated by Barbara McClintock was a wonderful way to cap off the holiday season. This book was really special because we were able to meet Barbara McClintock at the 2012 UCONN Children's Book Fair, and she will be stopping by to tell us more about the story behind her story, so be sure to check back! Today, we want to hear from you!

The DMS wants to know: What part of your holiday traditions do you look forward to the most?

We'll tell you ours, if you tell us yours!  


  1. All of it? Christmas Eve is almost always just me and my wife, and I enjoy that. We play games and eat.

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  2. Leftovers are the best. That pork just gets more delicious the next day. Loud family goings on and Christmas movies.

    1. Hi Adriana, Leftovers are great! I missed out on them at Thanksgiving, but, we had a spiral ham that was amazing and lasted for quite a few ham sandwiches : ) Wishing you the best in the new year! ~ F

  3. For 19 years I've taken a Christmas photo in the same chair of my grandson, and then his brother and sister after they were born. It's not as easy to get them all to dress and pose as it used to be, but they do it after I take out the past albums to remind them how sweet they look. Looking at them slowly growing up in that cane back chair remains one of my favorite holiday traditions.

    1. Hi Anna, That is so cool! What a treasure to look back on : ) Lovely to hear from you! Happy New Year : ) ~ F

  4. Hi Alex, Games are awesome- we always play fun games at the Morrow house at Christmas time as well. It's so much fun! Wishing you the best in this new year!~ F

  5. Honestly, pulling out the snowman globe pictured above is one of my favorite things. Even though he is missing his carrot nose and candy cane leg, he runs all season long spreading magical cheer throughout the house. I look forward to seeing him pop out, and my dad always makes sure that there are lots of triple A batteries to keep him sparkling brightly all season long! My mom bought him at CVS years ago, and he's become a special member of the family ever since. Margo prefers watching him to TV- and so do I! ~ F

  6. I love putting out all of our Christmas stuff, oh and getting the tree, oh and getting the wreaths, oh and...oMG...I love it all!

    1. Patty- Decorating is such fun! Everything looks so festive and it helps get me in the holiday spirit. :) ~L

  7. Oh goodness...can I just say everything? The tree, the lights, the visiting of friends and family, quiet evenings at home with the kids... LOVE IT ALL.

    I hope your holidays have been magical!!!

    1. M. Christine- The holidays were very magical! I love it all, too! :) Hope your holidays were magical, too! ~L

  8. Weeeell.. I actually don't have any holiday traditions :) I just like eating Turkey on Christmas eve. <3 And on New Years Eve :D That is pretty awesome. Hih. And taking pictures of the fireworks at midnight :) Which I did ;p I had an awesome Holiday. I hope you did too sweetie :) <3

    1. Carina- How fun to take pictures of fireworks at midnight! I love turkey- but don't have it very often besides Thanksgiving. Glad your holidays were awesome! Mine were, too! L

  9. Christmas Eve is a Cheese and then a Chocolate Fondue night. Everyone loves that time.

    1. Donna- Your Christmas Eve sounds delicious! Fondue- yum! ~L


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