
Friday, December 7, 2012

Margo's Musings! Everything is Just So Fabulous!

Margo has found a book that is truly close to her heart. The Boy Who Cried Fabulous by Leslea Newman struck gold with my little sister. This story takes you on a colorful journey through the everyday world. The main character, Roger, points out all of the marvelous things that we pass by each day and perhaps are too busy to notice. Roger likes to have fun, and, though he has somewhat of a tardy presence, he enjoys life and stops to, as they say, "smell the roses". Sometimes we get so caught up in what's running through our heads that we miss out on all of the spectacular things in the world that are just waiting to be experienced. The illustrations are extraordinary, and the story is a trip with quite a few exciting detours. This is such a great book to read out loud, and hearing my dad exuberantly shout out "Fabulous!" sends Margo into fits of delight. So remember, the next time you are late or have to be somewhere in a hurry; stop, take a look around, and notice all of those things that are just too FABULOUS to be ignored! Happy reading : ) ~ F

Roger is known for being tardy, and he is used to getting into trouble because of it. But, even though he wants to behave and be on time, he can't seem to take his eyes off of the amazing things happening all around him. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the wondrous world with Roger!

We were lucky enough to get to meet Leslea Newman at the 2012 UCONN Children's Book Fair, and we are excited to announce that she will be popping by to chat with us Friday, December 21st. We will be hosting a book giveaway for a signed copy of this fabulous book! 
Authors Stephanie Robinson & Leslea Newman



  1. Okay....this sounds awesome! Can't wait to read it, share it. Thanks for telling us about it!

    1. Hi Deb, It's a great story, and a fun one to read out loud. Thanks so much for stopping by : ) ~ F

  2. I love love love books like this...the illustrations are amazing, too!

    1. Hi Patty, The illustrations are so classic! You would love this story. Happy reading! ~ F

  3. Replies
    1. Hi This Kid Reviews Books, It's such a fun read, and a fabulous message : ) ~ F

  4. The artwork is awesome & I love the concept! I love when we're shown the world around us with fresh new eyes :)

    1. Hi Jemi, It's just the greatest. When you're feeling a little down or bored, seriously- just take a look around- everything is so fabulous ; ) ~ F

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Kelly, It truly is! Great to hear from you. Thanks so much for popping by : ) ~ F

  6. Hi Heidi, The lesson of the story is the best, and I try to remember it everyday! Lovely to hear from you : ) ~ F

  7. Aww. This book sounds amazing! I do love cute books. <3 Glad you liked it ;) Thank you for sharing :D
    Thank you for commenting on my WoW. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

    1. Carina- Thanks for stopping by. :) This is a great book! ~F

  8. Aww!!! I love this. Children books have the greatest message and the illustrations!
    OMG! I knew I recognized those drawings XD
    Peter Ferguson strikes again.

    1. Adriana- Books for children do have such a great message! I love looking at the pictures. Peter Ferguson is amazing! ~Stephanie

  9. I love the illustrations and Roger's reason for being late. The setting looks like it's from one of my fave periods ~ the 30s perhaps? Looking most forward to the interview and giveaway {international?}!

    1. Claudine- The illustrations are beautiful. I love Roger's reasons for being late, too. :) ~L

  10. Interesting. The illustrations are darling. Sometimes being late to stop and smell the roses is the way it should be. I think we are too much of a hurry, hurry, hurry society.

    1. Donna- I agree! We all need to slow down a little bit and appreciate all that is around us. So much to take in! So many FABULOUS things to discover and notice. :) ~L


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