
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do You Have a Golden Ticket?

Charlie Bucket is a poor child who lives with his parents and all four grandparents in a small house. His family doesn’t have a lot of money for treats, so Charlie looks forward to his birthday each year. On his special day he gets a chocolate bar, which he can savor for months- eating and enjoying only a little at a time. When Mr. Willy Wonka announces that he will be opening his chocolate factory to the public and that to gain entrance one must find one of the five golden tickets- the world goes crazy. Charlie knows he won’t have a chance; after all it isn’t his birthday. But when he finds a dollar, which leads him to the golden ticket- his luck begins to change. The next day Charlie and Grandpa Joe show up at the factory and things really become interesting. Just why has Mr. Wonka opened his factory to the winners? Will the winners get to try as much chocolate and candy as they want? What will happen to those who don’t follow the rules in the factory? You must read this book to see what happens to Charlie, Grandpa Joe, and the rest of the winners once they enter the factory!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl is a book that captured my interest right from the start. I loved this book and even laughed out loud at some of the scenes.  Charlie is such a kind character that I couldn’t help but root for him right from the start. He is definitely someone that would be a good friend! I especially like his patience and the way he thinks things through. The songs, Oompa Loompas, character names and the variety of candy made this story very enchanting. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a book that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Younger children could read this book with an adult and together they could share many laughs. Kids in third grade and up will wish they could get inside of a chocolate factory to sample the delectable treats! I have read many books by Roald Dahl, and he always surprises me. The drawings that were included throughout the story made it even better. Pick up this book and you will want to find your own golden ticket!

Has anyone else read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Or another book by Roald Dahl? What did you think? 

Happy reading! ~ L 


  1. I've never read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I wonder if it's like the original movie or the more modern one or maybe it's its own way different than both.

    I have read Dahl's Fantastic Mr. Fox and although I absolutely loved the movie the book was a bit too plain for me. I'm thinking it's because its more childish than I thought or because I saw the movie first. The movie has this kind of dark humor I think which I really love. Some people really didn't like it but by the commercials you could tell it wasn't a little kid's movie. Not saying it was that adult or anything. Just childish/teenagery.

    1. I really enjoyed the movie of The Fantastic Mr. Fox. I liked the book too- but I read it first, which may have made a difference. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is more similar to the old movie than the new one (at least in my mind). Thanks for stopping by! ~Stephanie

  2. I haven't read this book either but I may have to after reading your excellent review. I did love the plot when I saw the movie several times with my grand-kids. Wouldn't we all love to find our "golden ticket?"

    1. Anna- It would be fun to find a golden ticket! If you enjoyed the movie I think you would love the book. :) ~L

  3. I loved Roald Dahl's work...the Enormous Crocodile is my favorite is Matilda and Fantastic Mr. Fox!

    If you have not read Enormous really should...I use a line from it all of the time...sneaky plans and clever tricks!

    1. Hi Patty- I don't think I have ever read the Enormous Crocodile! I will have to check it out. I love the quote. :) ~L

  4. Oh my kids would love this book! I need to check into Roald Dahl's books because I don't think my kids have any of his and I've heard he's great. I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday! :)

    Leigh Ann
    MaMa's Book Corner

    1. Leigh Ann- If you haven't read any of Roald Dahl's book- you will enjoy them and so will your kids. Happy reading! Happy Thursday to you. :) ~L

  5. You know, I've only seen the older version of the movie. I really must read this book sometime.

    1. Donna- If you haven't read this one- I highly recommend it! It is a great book and quite similar to the older movie version. :) ~L

  6. I've always loved this story. I think it introduced me to Roald Dahl. I always cheer on Charlie getting the ticket - what a thrill - every child's dream. Its definitely a book that you can return to as an adult and read with new eyes finding a whole new experience to enjoy.

    1. Sharon- I loved the part when Charlie gets his ticket, too! I rooted for him throughout the book. A book that can be read and enjoyed at any age. :) ~L

  7. We LOVE Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Great review and wonderful post! Happy Reading :D

    1. Hi Cheles- Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the review. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is such a fun story. :) ~L

  8. I have read, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Witches, George's Marvelous Medicine, The BFG, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, my teacher read Matilda to us, and... and... uhhhh... Please let me think a bit...I LOVE ROALS DAHL BOOKS!!

    1. This Kid Reviews Books- I have read all of the ones you mentioned- but I don't recall reading George's Marvelous Medicine. I am a Roald Dahl fan and will have to check it out! He was a unique author for sure. :) ~L

  9. This was one of my favorites as a child. I loved all the Wizard of Oz books by Baum, too. When I got a bit older I was a huge Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew fan.
    Thanks for bringing back good memories. :-)

    1. Lexa- You just listed many of my favorites from childhood! Glad we were able to help take you on a stroll down memory lane. :) ~Stephanie

  10. My daughter played Mike TVs mom in her 7th grade play!
    this is a fun book for kids and adults!

    1. Annmarie- How cool that your daughter was in the play! This is a fun book and I imagine the play was great. :) ~L

  11. I believe this is the only Roald Dahl we haven't read. My 7th grader still loves The BFG. I think he'd read it every night. And we loved Danny, The Champion of the World. I should start a collection of his books in hardback. They will always be something that we'll want to read. Thanks for reminding me of him!


    1. Heather- It would be awesome to own all of Roald Dahl's books in hardcover. What a great idea! The BFG is hilarious and he is so endearing. I think you will enjoy Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when you get a chance to check it out. :) ~L

  12. This is a book everyone should know. :)

  13. One of my favourite childhood reads, funny that I didn't like the sequel, Charlie and the great Glass Elevator.

    1. Petty- I much preferred Charlie and the Chocolate Factory over the sequel. I thought I might give the sequel another try.:) ~L

  14. Matilda. Matilda. Matilda! Will be reading The BFG next. :) Wonderful review on the Chocolate Factory, though I've only watched the movie.

    1. Hi Claudine- Matilda is great and The BFG is a blast. Very funny! If you liked the movie- then I think you will enjoy this book. :) ~L

  15. I'm back to let you know that my little sunbeam will be shining on your blog this month - hope you enjoy it!

    1. Hi Sharon- Thanks for shining your light on us! :) ~ Stephanie and Jess

  16. Heidi- I also loved Danny the Champion of the World. I have read it a few times. It is one you don't hear about often! ~L

  17. I absolutely love this book. Roald Dahl is one of my favourite authors of all time and he must've been so creative to have all these ideas in his mind. I write childrens fiction at the moment and he is my largest inspiration to do so. Oh, and this story will never get old!

    1. Olivia- Roald Dahl was a master storyteller! I am so glad to hear you are a fan too! How wonderful he is an inspiration to you. :) ~L


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