
Friday, November 2, 2012

A Witches' Supermarket?

Well, this October has been a monstrous delight! The Halloween season brought with it thrills and chills, and we were excited to see all of the seasonal spirits and spooky stories haunting the book block. Margo has requested that I end this month of fright with one of her absolute favorite Halloween tales of terror. The Witches' Supermarket by Susan Meddaugh will take you on a fun adventure into a grocery store that you won't forget. Hold onto your brooms, because this book brings with it all of those wonderful, spooky feelings that we love to digest with lots of candy!

Helen is a little girl and Martha is a dog, and they find themselves in a spot of trouble on Halloween after they follow a portly woman in purple, who leads them down a dark alley and into a strange, unknown place. Helen becomes increasing aware that this particular grocery store seems a bit off as she walks past the strange produce department and Martha takes note of the disappointing pet section. When the brooms start to fly, Helen suddenly realizes that they are in the company of witches and cats in the middle of a witches' supermarket!

This story will sweep you up into the mystical world of witches and magic! Margo insists that she's seen the plump lady in purple, and swears that the witches' supermarket is really located behind the Ashpot town library! I think this story was the perfect choice to end the spooky season, and also to welcome in the eating season! So, thanks to Margo for plopping it in my lap, and thanks to all of you for lurking around our corner of the book block ; ) ~ F

Here's a bit more about this fun story! 

Cats, cats, and more cats roam the aisles. All the shoppers look somehow peculiar. The smell of rotten eggs pervades the dairy section. There are brooms of every size and...speed?

This is no ordinary, everyday supermarket. And when Helen and her dog, Martha, find themselves caught inside, they'll need luck and lots of Halloween magic to begin trick-or-treating on time.

Beware! The witches' supermarket is not for the weak at heart. But if you're looking for some wickedly funny holiday craziness, grab a shopping cart and step right in.

Happy reading! ~ F

Read the reviews! 

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  1. This sounds like such a fun read, and I love the illustrations.

    1. Hi Barbara, It's a really fun book! Thanks so much for stopping by : ) ~ F

  2. I've never heard of this book but it sounds wonderful and the illustrations are great. Kids love to really study and talk about the illustrations in their books, and these look perfect for that.

    1. Hi Alex, I absolutely LOVE the illustrations- they are perfect for the story. Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  3. That does sound super clever and cute!

    1. Hi Libby, Very clever- and Martha Speaks is a show on PBS that is about the characters in this story. Thanks so much for stopping by to visit us! ~ F

  4. sounds lovely...and there are cats in it! I can't believe I have not seen this one before! It would be a great way to end this week...a read aloud and a fun activity...almost makes me want to be back in the

    1. Hi Patty, LOL, almost : ) It's a wonderful book to read out loud. It really gets you in the spooky, Halloween mood. Lovely to hear from you! ~ F

  5. Looks lovely - I think I'd enjoy shopping there. The illustration on the thumbnail of my reading list caught my eye and drew me right in!

    1. Hi Sharon, That picture caught my eye too- it really encapsulates the Halloween spirit! Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  6. Any store with oodles of kitties roaming about is MY kind of store!! <3
    Such an adorable story, love those illustrations! :)

    1. Hi MAD, I would LOVE to shop in the Witches' supermarket- that is a fact! Thanks so much for popping over- always a pleasure to hear from you : ) ~ F

  7. This sounds soooo cute! I love the illustrations and Katertot would love all those cats (I'm allergic, so that's as close as she gets ;)) Thank you for bringing yet another great read to our attention. You rock! <3

    1. Cheles- It is a very cute story! The illustrations are so fun. At least the cats are in book form- so they won't make you sneeze! Glad you liked this one. :) ~F

  8. Heidi- It is fun! I bet your daughter would like it. I am so glad to hear that she likes the pictures from Cinderella Skeleton. They are fabulous! ~F

  9. What a fun book! And certainly one of a kid. I for sure have to look into this one.

    1. Donna- This is such a great book! Lots of fun! Enjoy! ~F

  10. I would've loved to shop at this supermarket. Probably wouldn't buy anything (or maybe a broom and a few spells). The book looks very fun!

    1. Claudine- I agree with you that it would be so fun to shop at this supermarket. Thanks for stopping by! ~L


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