
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's a Spooktacular Hop!

Thanks to I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and The Diary of a Bookworm for hosting the Spooktacular Book Giveaway Hop! Fairday's Blog! is featuring a giveaway prize pack, including a paperback edition of the spooky, new novel Juniper Berry by M.P Kozlowsky, a signedhardcover edition of the middle grade novel, The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow by J. Haight & S. Robinson, plus $10 gift card to

The Spooktacular Giveaway Hop will run from October 24th-31st, so, join in the fun! This is a huge hop, and there are lots of frightfully delightful blogs participating, giving away all sorts of books and other monstrous prizes. 

☞ Be sure to visit the hopping blogs! (click here for the list)

Thanks for popping over! We hope that you will stay and visit with us for a while. Below, you will find an overview of the topics that we discuss on Fairday's Blog! They range from riddles, to reviews, to just things that we like to shout out about : )   
  Ferry Blackwell Strikes Again!

Enter to win:
1) Follow Fairday's Blog!
2) Leave a comment and let us know: 
What story scares the pants off of you ; ) ?
3) Fill out the Rafflecopter form below 

If you like a book that is on the scary side, then you will certainly enjoy Juniper Berry by M.P. Kozlowsky. Fans of Coraline will be thrilled to find another book about a world that is off kilter and eerie. I would recommend this book to kids at the end of elementary school through middle school. Some kids might be too terrified by it, but anyone that likes stories that make their knees knock will find it to be a unique read. Read our review

The Begonia House keeps its secrets. Everyone knows that. Everyone, that is, except for clever eleven-year-old Fairday Morrow, whose family has just moved in. Being the Senior Investigator in the Detective Mystery Squad, more commonly known as the DMS, she’s ready to uncover the mysteries hidden within the strange manor. As the investigation gears up and the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place, the DMS enters into a world where anything is possible, and the danger is most definitely real. Follow along with Fairday and her friends, as spooky meets lovely in this twisting tale of dark secrets and hidden pasts.  Read the first seven chapters

Read the reviews! 
DMS Home Site 

What Fairday's Blog! is all about...

Fairday's Riddles are posted on Mondays- they can be written about anything and everything, all at the same time!

Lizzy's Book Reviews are posted on Wednesdays. Lizzy has read just about every middle grade novel out there, and she loves to share her thoughts and, of course, her opinions.

The Top of the Heap is a post we put up on Thursdays. We thought it would be fun once a week to put up two things that we appreciate and have been thinking about during the week.

Margo's Musings Fridays belong to Margo, Fairday's little sister. This post focuses on reviewing local children's book authors, which we follow up with an Author Interview.

The DMS Wants to Know was a post we came up with for Saturdays because when we get together to hang out on the weekend, we always chat about different situations and ideas that are floating around in our brains and we like to listen to what other people think about them- some of the comments we've gotten have been absolutely fascinating!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I used to live in a dorm back in high school, so all those urban legends about dorms and schools scared me. Like the tall nun who peeks at toilet cubicles...sound silly, but they freaked me out!

  2. Ahh! I really really really want this book :) Sounds amazing. <3 Hmm. Well, I did enjoy the Bloody Mary movie :) Latest scary book.. The Cavendish Home For Boys and Girls. <3 Perfect book.
    Love, Carina

  3. I read Stephen King in the 7th grade, The Shinning. That was the last scary book I ever read. It scared me enough to last my whole life.

  4. Demonic stories always scare me as does anything with gore/heavy violence.

  5. GFC: Throuthehaze
    IT by Stephen King

  6. GFC: Throuthehaze
    The shinning by Stephen King

  7. Carrie by Stephen King

    GFC name - Dovile

  8. There is a book in my library called The Scary States of America which is a collection of ghost/alien/creepy stories, one from each state. I couldn't even finish reading it I was so creeped out.

    GFC hg195

  9. GFC : Bookie Bee

    The scariest book would be Silence of the lambs...!!

  10. gfc - sarah elizabeth
    I read 'the machine gunners' when I was younger and it seriously scared me! I couldn't sleep at all after just the first chapter! Took me ages to read further than that!

  11. GFC - bookmarkbelles

    I would say house of leaves was the scariest well lets say creepiest book ive read

  12. To be honest I've never been scared by a book despite reading plenty of books in the horror genre.
    GFC - Frodosco
    contact me here> biochemguy22(at)yahoo(dot)com

  13. I've always found this one book by a Flemish author scary. Rasputin by Guy Didelez.

    GFC - Stephanie @ Bookfever

  14. GFC Linda Kwolek
    The Ring made me hide behind a pillow.

  15. The Shining by Stephen King is pretty scary.
    GFC: Na

  16. Dean Koontz and Stephen King write stories that really frighten but the scariest stories are true crime about vile and deviant acts that were really perpetrated. Thanks for being a part of the hop~*

  17. GFC: Jillyn

    The Exorcist always freaked me out.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. gfc follower CindyWindy2003, It scared the pants out of me, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

  19. wilsondev(at)gmail(dot)com
    I try to stay away from scary stuff, but I always thought Harry Potter had some super scary stuff in it! Thanks for the chance!

  20. gfc vicky brinius mrsbrinius at comcast dot net
    I love Stephen King movies, but I got scared at It. I have no clowns in my house!

  21. GFC: sweety white

    i'm scary with Stephen King

  22. Great giveaway!! Bloody Mary always scared the crap out of me and still does. GFC- Jennifer Kelly.

  23. I follow via GFC. (Beth Gallinger)
    Real life scary stories are the scariest to me.

  24. GFC: ajtse
    I'm scared of forests in the night. Like seriously scared...

  25. The Shining by Stephen King!
    GFC Follower: Christina Torres

  26. Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry.
    GFC Coreena McBurnie
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  27. I don't think I've read a book that has scared me really.
    Though Dracula was definitely a spooky read.
    GFC : brenna-rogers

    Thanks so much!

  28. GFC: Sher A Hart
    I haven't ever been as scared as I was at age 9 when I hid under my bed reading Lord of the Rings. It started when the hobbits hid under the ditchbank because the ring wraiths rode past in The Fellowship of the Ring.


  29. It by Stephen King scared me most!
    GFC: Erika
    msanderson79 at yahoo dot com

  30. Email done,
    Scary, anything Stephen King

  31. Stephen King's 'It' scared me pretty bad.
    GFC - Lynne (from

    thanks for this giveaway!

    ps I really LOVE this little blue bird flying around your blog - too cute!!

  32. IT by Stephen King is a scary story
    I follow on GFC - Maureen
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  33. I haven't read many scary books. >_<'' I'll have to go with the others and say IT by Stephen King.
    Thank you for this awesome giveaway!

    GFC - Giada M.

  34. Poe short stories usually get me!
    GFC- Caroline

  35. I always loved RL stine books and stephen king.
    Tamar W GFC

  36. Everything scares me! lol. I am very easily scared/creeped out
    gfc: caitlin

  37. The darkening dream freaked me out.
    GFC Cricket

  38. GFC Jessica Robinson.. The Shining scares me!

  39. Scary movies (any of them) scare the pants off me.
    I follow GFC as Katie Amanda.



  40. The original Halloween scares the you know what out of me. I have been scarred for life by Michael Myers but I still watch the stupid thing every year.

  41. I just finished reading The First Days by Rhiannon Frater, and it definitely scared the pants off me!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC Darlene
    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

  42. Helter Skelter gfc teressa oliver

  43. It by Stephen King scares me! GFC as nat cleary.

  44. I have yet to come across a story the scares me and I've read some of Stephen King's books. *searches for scary book*

    Thanks for the great giveaway.

    GFC- Orchid

  45. gfc-erma2167
    the scariest book I have ever read was the Exorcist.

  46. GFC Cayce
    Anything by Stephen King, Thinner was especially scary...
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  47. The Shining by Stephen King.
    GFC Kiara Auston

  48. Children of the Corn - Yikes!
    Follow you GFC - Barbara Montag
    Thank you.

  49. I'm a GFC follower :) Nightmare on Elm Street scares me!

  50. The Shining and/or It scare the crap out of me!

    GFC: AlyKyD

    acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com

  51. Exorcist has got to be the top of my list! Yikes! Just thinking about it gives me the creeps!

    GFC Follower: ZaraAlexis

  52. Following on GFC (clc408)
    The Exorcist is the scariest movie I ever saw.

  53. GFC (ellie)

    Phantoms by Dean Koontz scared me pretty bad.

  54. The Exorcism of Emily Rose freaks me out every time I watch it.
    GFC: Jenn

  55. The Shining
    GFC follower Debra Guillen

  56. it and clowns!

    GFC reading mind

    aliasgirl at libero dot it

  57. GFC: Tara W
    The Exorcist scares me half to death.
    mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

  58. GFC: Misha
    The Shining and It still scare me {._. }

  59. GFC as Abby

    Stephen King books SCARE me!!

    reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

  60. GFC: Stephanie Larison
    The book Thinner scares me!

  61. The Stranger Beside Me by Ann Rule.
    GFC follower

  62. GFC: paula
    I'm not easily scared, but I love Stephen King's books

  63. following on gfc as 07violet, I don't think I've been really scared by a story

    alterna7 at hotmail dot com

  64. google friend kathy pease

    I would say pet semetary that was scary

  65. Anything by Stephen King ...
    gfc-Francine Anchondo

  66. I follow on GFC - Marianna
    Demonic possession stories freak me out!
    mannasweeps (at) gmail dOT com

  67. GFC: kiss_shani

    Stephen King's and Anne rice's books.


  68. Gfc- jessica.goodwill
    I read one Stephen King book it was scary but I can't remember the name of it... It had a car on the front cover......

  69. follow via GFC susan1215

    The Shining by Stephen King is one of the most scary books I have read

    s2s2 at comcast dot net

  70. GFC: Stephanie

    Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill and IT by Stephen King both scared me to death!


  71. Phantoms scared me
    follow through gfc as mary gardner

    jagar0047 at yahoo dot com

  72. gfc follower daveshir2005

    The mask of the red death by edgar allan poe

    fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski

  73. Congrats to the winner! Ugh, I can't remember the title, but it was a short story by Ray Bradbury about an attic that snatched people. It was so scary that I never read it again.


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!