
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Can School Get Any Scarier?

Derek the Ghost used to attend Scary School- before he was killed. Now he is the tour guide through the halls of the school. Principal Headcrusher has made sure that Scary School offers and education to both monsters and humans, but this is not the case for most schools for unusual creatures. Yes, there is some danger for humans, but it does make school a little more exciting if you have to worry that the teachers will destroy you if you misbehave. Especially beware the rules in some classes- even reading them can be bad for your health. Yikes! When the annual Ghoul Games are scheduled to take place at Scary School, everyone is anxious for them to begin. The excitement is short lived when they learn that the school that loses will get eaten by the winning monsters. What kind of competitions will there be in the Ghoul Games? Who will win the competition? Will the humans get eaten if they lose? Will the humans want to eat the monsters if they win? Reading this book will make you laugh out loud and you will be fascinated by the teachers and monsters at this strange school.

If you like funny books with unique characters then you will be enchanted by Scary School by Derek the Ghost. Derek is a character that I could easily relate to because he is nice and does like to help other people. Plus he is witty and tells the story with such honesty. The school is definitely dangerous, but even with all of the deaths it wasn’t very gruesome. I thought the names of the teachers in the book were very creative. There were also drawings to go with each chapter, which added a lot to the book. It was fun to see if the monsters looked like what I imagined them to look like. As this is the first one in a series and I am definitely looking forward to reading the next book which is already out. This is a great book for people ages 8 and up. It is a perfect book to read during the spooky months of October and November, but it can be enjoyed at any time of year. Not only will you laugh out loud, but you will learn a few lessons from Derek the Ghost along the way, too.

Has anyone else read Scary School by Derek the Ghost? Or have you read another book by this author? What did you think?
Happy Halloween! Try not to get spooked!  ~ Brocket the Rocket


  1. I haven't read this one yet, but have had my eye on it. The synopsis sounded like it was a lot of fun, so I am glad it was when you read it!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

    1. Jessica- It is definitely a fun read! Very unique. :) ~L

  2. I definitely want to read this fact ...I think I might have read it a while ago!

    Did you have a Halloween party at school?

    1. Patty- You crack me up! If you haven't read it yet then Scary School is a fast and fun read.

      Because of Sandy we didn't have school Monday- Wednesday. We went back today and the kids are having a pumkin contest tomorrow and they are wearing their costumes. We will be doing Halloween math and listening to music to go with the season. It should be a blast! ~Stephanie

  3. Eeeep! Mom won this one for me in one of Ms. Heidi's giveaways! I can't wait to read it! Your fabulous review makes me want to read it now! :) Happy Halloween!! ~Katertot

    1. Katertot- How awesome that you won Scary School. It is an entertaining read! Happy Halloween to you, too! ~L

  4. Haven't read Scary School, but now you've got me putting it on my gotta-read-list! Love the part about teachers destroying you if you misbehave lol (and we thought getting paddled back in elementary school was a tough break!)(yup - I'm THAT old *argh*) ;D


    1. M.A.D.- Scary School is fun and definitely a place where kids need to listen to their teachers. Paddling would seem easy at this school! You are not old- kids still get paddled in many states (I thought it ended when I was a kid- but it turns out it is still done in some stated). I guess there are still some "scary schools"!

      Hope you had a Happy Halloween! ~Jess

  5. Ooh, this sounds like my kind of book!

    1. Kelly- I think you would enjoy this one! ~L

  6. Replies
    1. This Kid Reviews Books- It is! Hope you get a chance to read it! ~L

  7. This does sound like a lot of fun. I'm sure my grandchildren would love it!

    1. Barbara- I bet they would enjoy this one! ~L

  8. I haven't read it yet, but it does sound like a fun read.

    1. Libby- It is a fun read. Definitely some interesting jokes in it and some unique names. ~L

  9. These are exactly the kinds of books I adore! The scarier and the quirkier . . . the better!

    1. Lee- This book is for you then! Scary, funny, and quirky for sure! ~L

  10. I've heard of this. It's supposed to be for fans of Zack Files which I ADORE. So definitely on my list. It's funny that you picked ghosts this week. I was wondering what you would pick in the end for Halloween Week.
    A late Happy Halloween!

    1. Adriana- I haven't read the Zach Files, but if it is supposed to be similar I will have to check those out. Thanks for letting me know. Glad you enjoyed the theme that Lizzy and Fairday picked out this week. :)

      Happy Halloween to you, too! ~Brocket

  11. Aww, this does sound like a fun book!

    1. Cherie- A book that definitely made me laugh and it was fun to read. :) ~Brocket

  12. Heidi- I remember reading about this one on your blog. I loved the cover and am glad to have read the book! It was a fun one. Hope your Halloween was happy! ~Stephanie

  13. I've never heard of this book, but it does sound like a fun read. Derek the ghost - how cute is that?

    1. Donna- I love that it was written by Derek the Ghost. ;) It is a fun read! ~Brocket the Rocket


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