
Friday, October 26, 2012

Author Interview with Victoria Simcox

The DMS was lucky enough to interview Victoria Simcox, author of the new middle grade novel The Magic Warble. Lizzy recently reviewed this fantastical story, and it was great to share our thoughts about it and hear yours! We are excited to learn a little bit more about the story behind the story. So, without further ado... take it away, Victoria! 

What inspired you to write The Magic Warble?

I remember I was sitting in the movie theater watching the first Harry Potter movie when I envisioned my main character Kristina walking down a snowy sidewalk. At the time that was all of story I had. I went home that night and wrote my first page not knowing where the story would go.

How long did it take you to write The Magic Warble?

It actually took me longer than I would have liked. I'd say 4 years. But that was because I was so focused on home-schooling my 3 kids, teaching art, and doing many other things. I didn't have the time I would have liked to put into my writing. Now that my two older kids are in college, I am able to write more frequently.

What are some of your favorite books from childhood? Were there any specific authors who inspired you?

C.S Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia were my favorite books as a kid. I used to read them to my mom when she cooked dinner; it's one of my fondest childhood memories. I also love J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series, even though I was older than a child when I read them. I love all kinds of Juvenile fiction.

Where did you come up with the characters Kristina and Prince Werrien?

Kristina is my daughter's name, but even though I named the main character after my daughter, Kristina in The Magic Warble is definitely her own person. As for Prince Werrien, a little inner voice called out to me, "Name him Prince Werrien." Na, that wasn't how it happened. I just made it up.

If you could befriend a character from any of your books, who would you befriend? Why?

I'll go with Looper—the fairy.  First of all, how cool would it be to have a fairy friend? And second, he's cute, encouraging and always willing to help.

Where do you like to write? Do you listen to music while you are writing?

Most of the time I write at my computer, which is in my bedroom. I write whenever I can, morning, afternoon, night. If I'm on the road, I take my lap-top, and if I have time to kill, I'll write anywhere. I like it quite when I write, but I have written with music on, as well as the television blaring in the background. I have to do what it takes. If I waited for a perfect, peaceful setting to write than I probably wouldn't get much writing in. Also, if I waited for a certain mood to be in than I probably wouldn't write much either. The way I write is more of a discipline; though once I get started my creativity just starts a flowin'.

Where can our readers purchase your books?

Amazon Barnes and Noble

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✭ Enter the giveaway for a chance to win an e-book copy of The Magic Warble! Three Winners will be selected! Open to US and International ; )
Giveaway ends Sunday, November 4th
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a terrific interview. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to homeschool 3 children, much less do it while writing a book. Ms. Simcox looks much too young to have kids in college. Lucky woman :)

    1. Angela- So glad you enjoyed it! Ms. Sicox must be very good at managing her time! Thanks for stopping by. ~L

  2. As you say its good to hear the story behind the story, thanks for an interesting interview.

    1. Petty- It is such fun to learn more about authors and their writing process. Glad you liked the interview! ~L

  3. The book sounds interesting. I hope though that the homeschooling mom will right a novel about homeschoolers next time!

    1. Christyk- The Magic Warble is a fabulous book! Who knows- maybe Ms. Simcox will feature homeschooling in a future book. :) ~L

  4. My favorite magical creature from any story... hmm... that would have to be the three "witches" from A Wrinkle in Time.

    1. Christyk- I love the three witches from A Wrinkle in Time! Great choice. ;) ~L

  5. Harry Potter strikes again!

    Maybe the dwarves in The Emerald Atlas or... Sister's Grimm has a lot of magical creatures that are animals yet people... so if that counts I would say Sheriff Hamstead (one of the three little pigs) from Sister's Grimm.

    1. Adriana- Awesome choices! Sheriff Hamstead is such a fun one! I still need to read The Emerald Atlas. I have heard such great things about it. :) ~L

  6. great interview! Harry Potter seems to have inspired a lot of fantasy books around. :)


    1. Nutshell- Harry Potter has been such a big inspiration. I know it is one of my favorites.

      Patty- I think you would really enjoy The Magic Warble. ~L

  7. "I have to do what it takes. If I waited for a perfect, peaceful setting to write than I probably wouldn't get much writing in." Very true! Four years is a long time but a worthwhile one now that the story is out inspiring young readers. Wonderful interview!

    1. Claudine- I agree with you and Ms. Simcox. We need to write when we can and we can't wait for the perfect conditions. Thanks for stopping by! ~L

  8. This book sounds so awesome and I liked this interview. Wow! This book took a while to write. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

    1. Trey- It is an awesome book! Good luck in the giveaway. :) ~L

  9. I love fantasy books. This books sounds like a great adventure. I would love to win this book. Thanks!

    1. Flex- if you love fantasy books- then don't wait any longer! Get out and get this one to read (if you don't win it in the giveaway). It is a great adventure! ~L

  10. Thank you for the wonderful interview! We adore Victoria! One of Katertot's first reviews was The Magic Warble :) Love this post!

    1. Cheles- I remember reading Katertot's review of The Magic Warble. What a great story and Victoria is so nice. Thanks for stopping by. :) ~L

  11. Heidi- Fours years is a long time. I could see the C.S. Lewis influence in the story, too. Glad you enjoyed the interview. Have a wonderful week! ~L

  12. Great interview. CS Lewis is definitely one of my favorite reads. Talk about imaginative.

    1. Donna- C.S. Lewis definitely takes me to places beyong my imagination! ~L


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