
Saturday, August 25, 2012

The DMS Wants to Know!

I ♥ Lucy 
Monday's Riddle reminded us about the adorable familiar faces of our beloved pets. Lizzy's review of the mysterious middle grade novel Alligators Overhead by C. Lee Mckenzie took us on a wild ride into a magical swamp, and on Top of the Heap, we shared our ideal familiars with you. Friday, we were excited to learn a little more about Lisa Graff and the story behind her unique story, The Thing About Georgie. Today, we want to hear from you!

The DMS wants to know: What type of pets do you have? If you could choose a familiar, what would it be? 

We told you ours! Now let's hear yours : ) 

Lucy was found under a truck wheel in a grocery store parking lot when she was 8 weeks old. She was taken in by loving hands, and has basically won kitty lotto : ) 


  1. I have three cats who look almost exactly like Lucy, who is adorable by the way, and one big white tomcat! Cats make the best familiars :)

    1. Pria-Tabula Rasa- Cats are awesome! Lucky you to have 3 cats who look like Lucy. :) ~F

  2. Lucy is so adorable, how anyone could have been so cruel as to abandon her like this is beyond me. At one point we had four cats, Dotty, Zsar, Phog and Puck and a dog, Peg. Sadly no longer with us, you can see them on the sidebar of my blog.

    1. Hi Petty, It's always amazing to me that people can be so cruel sometimes, but Lucy has seriously the best life a kitty could ask for. Puck is a great name. Sorry to hear that they are no longer with you- but really they stay with you forever : ) Great to hear from you! ~ F

  3. *kitty lotto* lol
    Omg, LOVE that (and Lucy, too - she looks like such a sweetie <3 )

    Currently, I am owned by two beautiful & spoiled cats, and consider myself fortunate that they will have me ;D

    One is a rescue, found starving & abandoned as a kitten. Seven years later she is the <3 that makes a house a home!

    1. Hi M.A.D., LOL! I love that line that they will have you! Totally kitty speak. They really do make the house exciting and lovey : ) Thanks for stopping by! ~ F

  4. Such a cute kitty. We have a lion-headed bunny named Ashes and a turtle named turtle..LOL

    1. Hi kimbacaffinate, What a great name! Lion head bunnies are so, so adorable! I once had an Oscar fish named Oscar, and a dog named pig- lol! Sometimes I'm more creative than others- though I always feel like the pet chooses the name- in Piggy's case, that was the only name she would come to! Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  5. I have cats and birds and they have
    My familiar would be a lion!

    1. Hi Patty, I am so jealous! I would love, love, love to have a bird- a black capped caique preferably. I am great friends with one named Mango. A lion would be so cool! Great to hear from you! ~ F

  6. I've taken in so many cats and dogs over the years that I can't remember when I last chose one. They chose me, instead by showing up at the door after being on their own for a while. Some were in bad shape. Some in bad disposition. But after they arrived all of them lived their lives out in semi-luxury. I'm down to one very senior cat at the moment.

    I'm partial to alligator familiars, but since I've upset the Federation of Feline Familiars about that I'm going to vote for the traditional cat familiar and try to calm things down.

    1. Hi cleemckenzie, That's so wonderful that you take in animals and give them a safe home. I think it's the most admirable thing a person can do! Always lovely to hear from you : ) ~ F

  7. We had a Gecko named Spike. He was our pet for several years. He recently died and I miss him.

    I would like to get a dog, a small dog.


    1. Hi Lucas, Spike is such a great name. I will keep my fingers crossed for you about getting a dog- they are such fun companions! Thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  8. We have a dog and my daughter has 2 hermit crabs and a betta fish. She'd love to have more pets, like a rabbit, rats (we used to have 2 of them), but it's hard to have time for them all.

    1. Hi Andrea, If it was up to me, I would have a bazillon little critters sunning around my house- lol! Good for you : ) Thanks for stopping by! ~ F

  9. The kitten looks like my former baby. I used to have two boy cats. One I had since it was little little where I had to get cat litter for him. I loved him with all my heart. I also had another cat who was an Adonis and another one who was there all of my life. She was a pain but I still loved her.

    Right now I have two dogs. Elvis (I named him that because I had an Elvis faze) and Bacardi (Apparently the people who had him before us were drinkers?) Elvis is lazy and always gets in the way. He's also pretty fat and honks a lot. He's also smelly so... lol. I love him. He's sweet and doesn't pee in the house like the other one. Bacardi is a spitfire. He runs around all the time for a little dog. He and Elvis love my dad. My dad spoils them.

    I'm thinking about the Golden Compass and how they had demons. So I'm thinking what would look awesome and benefit me as it goes for a familiar. I love wolves and foxes are awesome too. Either of those would make me extremely happy.

    1. Hi Adriana, Great names! Elvis is so cute : ) I think wolves are so mystical too and have always felt a certain kindred spirit in them. Lovely to hear your thoughts! Thanks for sharing them with us : ) ~ F

  10. Lucy is so cute! My daughter Abigail has a cat that looks exactly like her (Lucy, not Abby :) ). We currently have five (5?!) cats. All are from shelters. That can be dangerous. Every time one of ours passes away, we wind up coming home with two more! I love them all, though.

    As for my familiar--he's a talking snowy owl named Stig!

    1. Hi Greg, Thanks! Stig is a great familiar, and smart! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  11. We have one very lovable dog. He is wonderful! As for my familiar I think a Siberian White Tiger would be fun!

    1. Hi Lisa, How cool! A Siberian White Tiger would be an amazing familiar! Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  12. Cute post idea!!! We have a dog named Dixie, 2 kittens, and 5 chickens that lay the most beautiful eggs! Oh, and a little wild bobcat that lives near our creek. :0)

    1. Hi Christine, Awesome that you have so many great pets- I have a fat woodchuck that lives in my yard named Melvin : ) Thanks for stopping by! ~ F

  13. I had a great dog for 16 years. After he passed, I've never wanted another one. He was my heart. Since then I've had only had cats, and again I've had my Meeko for 16 years. I'm a one pet gal.

    1. Leslie- I am glad you had 16 years with your dog and I can understand why you haven't wanted another one. I love the name of your cat- Meeko! ~F

  14. Lucy could be the sister of my two, Codi and Rex. They look identical. Codi and Rex were rescued from a construction site, their brother didn't make it. We took the two in and love them dearly. I also have a mutt dog from the rescue (Begal, Terror, Whip it mix) He's about 3 now.

    1. Hi Ciara, Thanks for stopping by to tell us about your pets! They sound adorable! Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  15. Beautiful cat. She looks a lot like my Tiger, who adopted us last summer.

    1. Hi Beverly, I love hearing about when cats adopt people, that's just how it happens! Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  16. While I love my dog and my cat....I would have to say that I would want an owl! Yep, giant Harry Potter nerd here...

    1. Hi Dawn, Owls are so fabulous! Your in the right crowd being an H.P. fan : ) Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us! ~ F

  17. Lucy is sweet! :))
    We have 3 dogs and 3 cats! I love them all! We also had a horse, she died last year and she was the sweetest mare ever!

    And as a familiar I would choose (besides cats) an owl or a fox! :)

    1. Petra- Sounds like you are surrounded by all kinds of wonderful animals. I am sorry to hear about your horse- I love horses. Great choices for your familiar! F

  18. Aw Lucy is such a cutie! I've got a herd of cats, two massive dogs (one is 140 pounds) and a mean turtle that I adore :)

    I'm sure mine would be a cat of some sort since I'm usually being followed by a herd of them at home and work :)

    1. Hi Herding Cats- Thanks! I think it is awesome that you have a herd of cats and two dogs! A turtle, too- how fun! I agree with you that your familiar or familiars would probably be a herd of cats. :) ~F

  19. I've always owned cats and I adore them, but if I could choose a familiar, I'd choose a bird. It'd be cool to get info and "see" things from the air. Plus, they don't eat as much as cats! lol

    1. Lexa- I adore cats, too! I love your idea of having a bird for a familiar. How smart to pick something that can see from the air! ~F

  20. I tend to favor dogs. I had a Sheltie once, and my friend's husband told me the dog and I looked alike. Hmm. My familiar would be a bear, I think.

    1. Donna- I love dogs, too! I think owners and their animals start to look alike over time. :) What a unique familiar! ~F


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