
Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday's Riddle! Oh, Where to Go?

Here's Monday's Riddle for all of you puzzle solvers out there! Can you guess the direction of the theme this week ; ) ? ~ F

When at last your trip embarks, follow me by my marks. Sail the voyage learned from past- use my guidelines and secure the mast. Where you go and what you see, all depends on reading me. 

What am I? 

I gave you a clue!


  1. First thought was compass, but I'm going with the stars. :-)

  2. My first thought was the North star (Polaris)

  3. The tone of your poem and the fact that it spoke of the past I think the correct instrument would be the sextant. Sailors have used these for hundreds of years. Still today the sextant is used as a back up instrument for ships and planes in the event that the electronic devices break down.

  4. I'm thinking a compass, or, as Pam above me said, a sextant. At first reading my initial thought was a map, but ... nah ... Jess is *trickier* than that lol ;D

    <3 your Monday puzzles!! Keep 'em coming!!

    1. Hi M.A.D. Sometimes extra tricky, sometimes not so much. I like to keep you guys guessing- lol! Thanks so much for checking out the riddle! ~ F

  5. Arrrg! I wanted to be first because this is actually a riddle I could have guessed . . . I think. Because you use the phrase, "use my guidelines" I'm going with sextant. Early on it was somewhat accurate, but not perfect in setting courses.

    I have to get one of these or I'll lose my riddler's license.

  6. My guess is a sextant, as well, although with the photos from Mars and Neil Armstrong in the news of late, my first thought was the stars...

  7. Well, with the picture I'd say a compass. Something we all need on our journey.

  8. Since I have never learned to read a sextant or a compass...I'm lost again.

  9. I'd guess the stars too. Mostly because I don't know how a sextant works! :)

  10. Great guessing everyone! Thanks for popping over to check out the riddle. The answer is posted! We're all floating in the same direction this week- good thing we will be chatting about maps! ~ F

  11. Aww, I could have got this one. Oh well, I snooze, I don't get to guess. maybe next time.


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