
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Answer to Monday's Riddle! Seek and Find...

The Mapmaker's Sons by V.L. Burgess

Fabulous guessing everyone! Simply speaking, the riddle points us to a map- however, how exciting that you guys thought of the sextant, which is a fabulous instrument used for navigation and a perfect match to lead our topic in the right direction. We will be revealing a few secrets about maps on Wednesday, and we are looking forward to sharing our thoughts with you on Top of the Heap. Friday, we will be chatting with C. Lee Mckenzie, author of the exciting middle grade novel, Alligators Overhead. So be sure to check back! 

When at last your trip embarks, follow me by my marks. Sail the voyage learned from past- use my guidelines and secure the mast. Where you go and what you see, all depends on reading me. 

What am I? Answer:  A Map

* A sextant is an instrument used to measure the angle between any two visible objects. Its primary use is to determine the angle between a celestial object and the horizon, which is known as the object's altitude. 


  1. Oh well, my guess of an atlas was almost right.

    Looking forward to the week ahead, it sounds like you have some interesting topics in store for us.

  2. Hi Petty, Atlas counts! That's a bunch of maps together, so you're more than right on point : ) Looking forward to hearing your thoughts this week! ~ F

  3. we certainly love maps in this house! we have them in all of our bedrooms to dream of those far of places....that was a fun riddle!

    1. Hi Annmarie, How fun! Maps are so interesting : ) Thanks for stopping by! ~ F

  4. Oh, how interesting because my own book starts with some Boy Scouts setting up an orienteering course, a race using only a map and compass to find the way through rough terrain. Of course, something goes wrong.

    I stopped by to tell you another of your book recommendations is on my last blog post, so thanks again! Now I have to get it for my hubby who's part NAI.

    1. Hi Sher A. Hart, Excellent! Your book fits in perfectly with our theme this week : ) Great to hear from you! ~ F

  5. Very cool, I love maps too - especially old ones with names you no longer see on them. And treasure maps, of course!

    1. Hi Cate, I would absolutely love to find an old treasure map, even if it didn't lead me to treasure- the adventure would be fun! Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  6. Now I have that stupid Dora song stuck in my head... "It's a map!" lol

    1. Hi E.J., LOL! Me too, now : ) Great to hear from you! ~ F

  7. Looks like I guessed late. I just want you to know that it's a really good riddle. :)

    1. Hi Nancy, Thanks so much! I had fun coming up with it! Lovely to hear from you : ) ~ F

  8. Oh wow I am off. lol.
    I assumed because of the compass already there you guys tricked me! (;

    1. Hi Adriana, We like to keep you guys guessing- lol! We love hearing your thoughts, Adriana, so keep them coming! ~ F

  9. What a fun blog! I'm so glad you left a comment for me at Alexander's. If not, I wouldn't be here. I'm following you now.

    I can't wait to read C Lee's book!!

    1. Hi Ciara, Thanks so much for popping over to visit us! We look forward to hearing from you : ) ~ Jess & Stephanie

  10. ... sooooooooooo close.
    My first thought WAS a map, but then I second guessed myself (how unexpected) ;P

    When I was a kid, before I understood what one was, I thought a sextant was something *dirty* lol

    1. Hi M.A.D., Fear not the unexpected! LOL- it sounds like something naughty for sure : ) Always a pleasure to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by ~ F

  11. Hi Heidi, Maps are a blast- the theme was sparked by the book review of The Mapmaker's Sons, which is a new middle grade novel geared towards boys, but a thrilling adventure for anyone who loves to read a good book! Lovely to hear from you- thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  12. You know, I don't think I could ever use a sextant. Sure looks complicated to me.


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