Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday's Riddle! A Random Strike...

Here's this weeks riddle! I am waiting for this to happen in an existential kind of way. Good Luck everyone : )  ~ F

Fierce, I am- though my beauty abounds. A clap of thunder will set you in rounds. I slice through the air, cutting it open. A brilliant streak, never broken. A source of power that brings rains of fire. I explode from the ground, but soar ever higher.

What am I? 

Here's a clue...


  1. My first thought was lightning, although the last line makes me wonder...

  2. Firework? Maybe a rocket? Rains of fire certainly sounds like a firework.

  3. Lightning...that's my final answer!
    Beth :-)

  4. Great guesses everyone. Sometimes it's so bizarre how things come together. Since I wrote this riddle yesterday, I have actually had so many uncanny things happen that have involved lightning in some way- weird, but cool. This happened one other time when I did a post about the color green. I saw it everywhere for days after I wrote about it. It's funny how we shape our worlds. Have a great night everyone : ) ~ F

  5. Lightning and solar flare are what come to mind. I love that C.C. song.

  6. I'm a little late on this one, but I would have said lightening also.


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