
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Will Bud, Not Buddy Find his Dad?

It is 1936 and Bud is alone moving from one foster home to another. Unfortunately, none of the homes he goes to last for very long. Something always goes wrong! He tries to learn from each mistake and creates Bud Caldwell’s Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself. These rules are filled with a variety of facts that Bud believes to be true and many of them will have you laughing out loud. Moving around a lot means that Bud doesn’t own much. What he does own he carries around in a suitcase that he guards with his life. The contents of the suitcase are a bit of a mystery that the reader will find out more about as the story goes on. Bud’s mom is gone, and after a terrible incident at one of his foster homes he decides it is time to try to find his father. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know who is father is, but he does have a few clues. His mom was looking at some flyers right before she died, which were of Herman E. Calloway and his famous band, the Dusky Devastators of the Depression. Bud decides this is the best lead to follow. Will Bud be able to find his dad? Are any of the clues he carries around in his suitcase of any use? Along the way Bud will have adventures that you never saw coming! You must read this book to find out how everything turns out!

Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis is a delightful historical fiction book about a unique boy who will capture your heart. Bud had me laughing with his rules and his sense of humor. The author did an amazing job creating Bud’s voice, so much so that I can hear Bud commenting in my head using his favorite phrases, “shucks” and “doggone it”. It is a super book for people of all ages and I think kids in fourth through eighth grade will especially relate to Bud. The book touches on issues in history and allows us to look at life during the mid 1930s. We also get to understand how tough Bud’s life was without a mom or a dad. I found myself hoping Bud would find his dad and that good things would come his way. I could easily relate to the characters and their emotions. I think Bud would be an excellent friend because he has many qualities that make him stand out. I love that he is funny, he doesn’t let other people talk down to him and make fun of him, and he is kind to others. If you have not read it yet, I highly recommend it. Who knows- you may come up with a rule or two to add to Bud’s list!

Has anyone else read Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis? Or have you read another book by Christopher Paul Curtis?

Happy Reading! ~L


  1. Love this review...

    I have not read anything by him...yet!!!

    1. Thanks, Patty! I have only read this book- but I have heard great things about his other books as well.

  2. Heidi-
    If you enjoy historical fiction then you will enjoy this book. Bud is so funny and his suitcase contains some interesting items!


    Stopping by from Book Blogs.

    Stop by my blog for a giveaway of THE DEMOCRAT by Olly Wyatt.


    Silver's Reviews

    1. Thanks for the info, ELizabeth! I just entered and checked out the book- it sounds really interesting. Thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  4. I read this book when it was first published in 1999! I remember it because I got it for Christmas that year. I re-read it several times between then and highschool. It's a wonderful read that I plan on passing down to my kids :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning The Pages

    1. MissKimberlyStardust- How cool that you got this book for Christmas and re-read it a few times. I am sure it is a book your kids will like when it gets passed down to them. How could anyone not like Bud? :)

  5. Yes, I read this book and loved it. Such a heartwarming story.

    1. Perfect way to describe this one, Kelly! It is heartwarming. :)

  6. I haven't read it, but it sounds like something I'd love to read.

    1. Donna- You would love this one! If you have a chance to read it you will find Bud to be funny!

  7. This book sounds really great, I'd love to read it one day.
    Saw you on bookblogs... new follower!

    1. Kristy- Thank you so much for stopping by and following. We will be sure to stop by your blog! I hope you get a chance to read Bud, Not Buddy one day! :)

  8. You find so many interesting books - please stop my TBR pile is up to the ceiling!!! OK then I might just be able to squash one more on top!

    1. Thanks, Barbara! I can totally relate to the too high TBR pile! If you can squeeze this one in- you won't be disappointed. :)

  9. This gets a 10 in our house. Every one of my 8 kids read this book and liked it...that is a great recommendation considering their varied interests!
    Good review!

    1. Momto8- How amazing that all of your kids have read Bud, Not Buddy and loved it! That is a fabulous recommnedation! :)

  10. I read Bud, Not Buddy and loved it. Bud is just so hilarious. He made me laugh and I cared about what happened to him. His rules were so funny- and I would love to read another book by this author. eat review!

    1. I agree, Trey! I would love to read another book by this author! His writing is so unique and interesting. Thanks for stopping by!


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