
Friday, March 16, 2012

Margo's Musings: The Fearsome Beastie by Giles Paley-Phillips

BEWARE! This review is not for the faint of heart...though it's close to mine ♥

I adore monsters, especially one that is known as a fearsome beastie. My little sister, Margo, is brave and clever, and absolutely adores her grandmother, so this frightening tale was right up her alley. It definitely scared the pants off of her, but she still wanted to hear it again and again. My dad says that she's like me when it comes to scary stories. I tend to embrace them : ) ~ F

The children hear the beastie's gnashing teeth and scratching claws. They hide under the stairs, they keep safe. But beasties are clever, and beasties need to eat. Trickery leads the children into a gruesome fix. Little Pete escapes and runs to get his grandma, who has a few tricks of her own up her sleeve! Wielding her trusty axe, she sets out to hunt down the beastie. Will the children escape the monster's clenches? Can Pete's grandmother save the day? 

In the classic style of children's rhymes, peppered together with a twist of Edward Gory and the Brothers Grimm, this terrifying tale will definitely raise a few hairs. But, if you are brave, and you trust in those who you love, everything will turn out okay. I enjoyed The Fearsome Beastie by Giles Paley- Phillips and Margo was on the edge of her seat every time she listened to it. I would recommend this book to those who like a good, old fashioned scare now and then. The illustrations are wonderfully terrifying! 

The DMS was lucky enough to interview Giles Paley- Phillips, author of The Fearsome Beastie. Stop by March 23rd to learn more about the story behind the story of the beastie, clever Pete, and his formidable grandma.

Written in rhyme, this is a dark tale of a fearsome beastie searching for something to eat, and the children are at the top of his menu. It's reminiscent of the cautionary tales of the past, but don't worry, there's a happy ending! 


  1. What a wonderful sounding book! Awesome review!

  2. I would have to read this bit 'the beastie's gnashing teeth and scratching claws' with a Scottish accent, that would probably be scarier than the book! Lovely review and fantastic sounding book. Perfect for Halloween.

    1. Oh my...I so love this fearsome beastie but I mostly love the word beastie and I yearn to use it over and over!!!

      And I sort of am!!!

    2. I can't even say it enough, Patty : ) Love it- Beastie, LOL!

    3. Hi Barbara! That's how I heard it in my head! Definitely Scottish : ) It is a great read for Halloween ~ F

  3. This book sounds scary...and awesome! I have friends with small kids so I will have to check this one out.

    1. Awesome! You have to love a story where the grandma is more frightening than a beastie : ) ~ F

  4. thanks for this review...half of my kids love scary books...half of them don't!!!

    1. LOL! too funny : ) Glad you enjoyed the review- it's an interesting tale, very unique. ~ F

  5. Oh what fun! I think I'd totally enjoy this book. Looks like a yummy one to read all tucked up in bed with tea and biscuits!

    1. Hi Christine! It's always so great to hear from you. I think the story should be read in a Scottish accent and accompanied by tea and biscuits : ) ~ F

  6. I love a good scare! I'll definitely check this one out.

    1. If you love a good scare- then you will enjoy this one! :)

  7. What a fun scare for children. And anything written in rhyme is worth the read.

    1. Donna- It is a fun scare! I love books that rhyme, too!

  8. I love scary books and the illustrations look awesome. I definitely want to read this one!

    1. Trey- The illustrations and story are great! Enjoy!

  9. Sounds like an awesome book, I love creepy tales! :)

  10. This book sounds like something my nephew would enjoy- thank you for the review! Personally, I love Edward Gory's work, so I found the description intriguing.


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