Friday, March 16, 2012

Lucky Leprechaun Blog Giveaway Hop!

And the winner is... (drum roll please : )  

Congratulations to Kim Read, our Lucky Leprechaun Book Giveaway Blog Hop! Kim has won: a $10 Gift Card to The Book Depository, a *not for sale* author illustrated, signed, hardcover edition of the middle grade novel The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow, and a new paperback copy of, Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Thanks to all for participating! A cheerful welcome to all of our new followers! Wow, what a great hop. We saw many amazing books up for grabs in the giveaways and discovered some really great blogs along the way. Thanks to I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Books Complete Me & Author Cindy Thomas for hosting this event. Our next hop is all about the hop, so mark your calendars!                                                                                                                                              

The Lucky Leprechaun Hop ran from March 17th- 22nd

Enter to win:
1) Follow Fairday's Blog!
2) Leave a comment below: What is something lucky that's happened to you over the last year? 
3) Fill out the Rafflecopter form below 


Read/listen to the book online!
Fear not the unexpected.

The Begonia House keeps its secrets. Everyone knows that. Everyone that is, except for clever eleven-year-old Fairday Morrow, whose family has just moved in. Being the Senior Investigator in the Detective Mystery Squad, more commonly known as the DMS, she’s ready to uncover the mysteries hidden within the strange manor. As the investigation gears up and the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place, the DMS enters into a world where anything is possible, and the danger is most definitely real. Follow along with Fairday and her friends, as “spooky” meets “lovely” in this twisting tale of dark secrets and hidden pasts.

Check out the book!

What Fairday's Blog! is all about...

Fairday's Riddles are posted on Mondays- they can be written about anything, and everything, all at the same time : )

Lizzy's Book Reviews are posted on Wednesdays. Lizzy has read just about every middle grade novel out there, and she loves to share her thoughts and, of course, her opinions.

The Top of the Heap is a post we put up on Thursdays. We thought it would be fun once a week to put up two things that we appreciate and have been thinking about during the week. I enjoy doing this post because I love the Google hunt for the perfect image to accompany the topic of discussion.

Margo's Musings Fridays belong to Margo, Fairday's little sister. This post focuses on reviewing local children's book authors, which we follow up with an Author Interview.

The DMS Wants to Know was a post we came up with for Saturdays because when we get together to hang out on the weekend, we always chat about different situations and ideas that are floating around in our brains and we like to listen to what other people think about them- some of the comments we've gotten have been absolutely fascinating!

We'd love to hear yours! Happy Reading!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I got to go on a great vacation in the last year. I got to go cross country and seem many amazing sightts. I think that is lucky.

  2. my sister paid for me to fly home to NY to be part of a family celebration- i was lucky and blessed!

    Happy St Patrick's day!!

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  3. We got a great deal on a house! Thanks for the chance! wilsondev(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. Found a great job in a bad economy!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  5. Awesome Giveaway!
    I got the chance to spend the past weekend with my daughter in Washington DC, we got to see and visit everything! It was awesome something I will cherish forever

  6. I've won a couple giveaways and I always feel lucky every time that has happened :)
    Melissa B.

  7. Christina Kit. in the rafflecopter

    I talk to my friend who's abroad once a week!

  8. I've won a book
    ( i hope this giveaway its' international^^;;- that would be lucky too)

    all teh best and Happy ST Patrick's day

  9. I entered a raffle for free pizza for a year at my kids' school carnival and won! It was for 1 large pizza a month for 12 months. So 12 free pizzas. We were all pretty happy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Honestly the luckiest thing that has happened to me in the last year is that I haven't gotten a speeding ticket! Yay me!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. I found $200 :) (I couldn't return it so...)

  12. luckiest thing? hmm, i would say i'm not lucky, i'm just blessed.

  13. I won a flat screen tv!

  14. I was lucky to get a job a couple month ago!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  15. Nothing exciting - I have won some books.

  16. I am a finalist for the Hagan Scholarship. That's about it...

    ***entered as Rachelle

  17. I got to start a blog and make friends with some amazing authors :)

  18. I found a dollar on the sidewalk.

  19. I have won signed books from 2 of my fave authors! LOVED IT!

  20. I dont believe in luck, but I am very blessed everyday

  21. Nothing especially lucky has happened so far this year, but I've been fortunate in may ways. I've made some awesome new friends, been to a couple of Broadway shows, and read some amazing books.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. found out I am going to be a grandma

  24. nothing too lucky this past year, but nothing unlucky either : )

  25. I finished my ya paranormal book and got a book contract with Tell-Tale Publishing. I look forward to my release date :)

    But otherwise, I found out I'm going to be an aunt again to another nephew and my first niece :)

  26. My bookshelves are all filled up :O

  27. I was able to visit Holland this past year and see some of my relatives. It was a great time and I felt very lucky to meet family members that I never knew. Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Something lucky was my new meds are helping control my pain.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  29. Something lucky is I won a few books from some blogs :)

  30. I've made some great new friends online :)

  31. I think I'm lucky because I won my disability case on the first try.
    Lmackesy at gmail dot com

  32. We received a settlement on our car wreck after the insurance companies had told us they would not cover anything. Thank you


  33. I won a few giveaways! Nothing too big, but a few nice things that are useful.
    paramourbeat at gmail dot com

  34. I won a $20 gift card to Trader Joe's. And it only took me 8 years of taking my own bags and entering their drawing!
    My daughter would love these books!

  35. Thanks for creating this cool giveaway! glad i could enter it

  36. My lucky thing was that my American friend was visiting Europe and came to see me for the first time ever! So nice seeing her and that the timing was right for us both cos it was very last minute.
    Happy St. Paddys day everyone!

  37. I had my baby girl!! She is the best thing in my life!

  38. i was finally able to get my daughter the help she needed

  39. My husband and I went to Italy for my birthday!

  40. I was able to get a great deal on an Orlando vacation and i took my daughter to Disney world for the first time. Thanks for the giveaway.

  41. My boyfriend and I started dating :)

  42. Thanks for the invite to check out your blog! I've had lots of good things happen to me, but I'm not sure which I would attribute to luck. :) Your book sounds intriguing!

  43. I won several prizes including a coffee pot. Thanks for the giveaway! cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com

  44. Won an epic reads grab bag full of Apocalypsies books!

  45. I found out that I can graduate a semester early and I've won a couple books from goodreads! :)

  46. i won a prom dress for a girl who lost a dress in the tornado and now she has 288 dollar dress to wear

  47. Oh now, this is a really cute idea. Sweet of you to do this.

  48. i'm feeling lucky...maybe errrr...just givesss us the precious and we won't have to slobber on you...

  49. My husband's work bought our car for us:) Yea!!

  50. This is hugely cheesy and sappy, but I'm gonna have to say my boyfriend, who I started dating last December but have known for years :) I didn't like commitments for a really, really, really long time, but he taught that they're not so bad!

  51. I have such a luck last year I managed to read a lots of great books!! Other than that I'm not so lucky =)

  52. I have won some really great books and a few other things as well.

    the imagine tree at aol dot com

  53. I have won a few giveaways of books, and miscellaneous!
    Thanks :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  54. I won some great giveaways last year so very greatful! Thank you for the great giveaway!

  55. I won a few things here and there and I had great friends

  56. This last year my husband got a promotion and we were lucky enough to move to a different state (and one we like much better!!).

    Just tell yourself, Duckie, you're really quite lucky! - Dr. Seuss

  57. I have a great family and friends!

  58. I am lucky enough to get to stay home with my kids everyday.
    april yedinak

  59. I won a free copy of a sequel to a book I loved. It hasn't shown up at the house yet, but that was one of my favorite things that's every happened to me. :)

  60. I became a Clinical Psychologist and started my blog. :)

  61. We won $300 in the TX Lottery.

  62. I won a book in a giveaway! :)

  63. Some of my favorite authors came to my local bookstore.
    Jennelle S

  64. Thank you for your generosity, and for participating in this blog hop! Nothing particularly lucky has happened to me this past year. As a matter of fact, I've lost two uncles in the span of 8 months...but, all the adversity has made me appreciate life more, look towards the Heavens more, read more and love more. If nothing else, I'm lucky to have my health, be surrounded by loving family, and amazingly supportive friends! :D

    Name: Hira Hasnain
    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
    GFC: ~Enamored Soul~

  65. I got lucky this year because an ex's mom hired me when I was having trouble finding a job.

  66. Hi! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog as well to join in the hop. :D Hope you are having a wonderful time.

    Hmmm, something luck that's happened to me in the last year... well, I got my brother all lined up to go to Balticon with me over Memorial weekend. I just hope he doesn't bail on me when it gets closer. I was worried I wouldn't have anyone to go with me, then I wouldn't go. :)

    Hope you had a wonderful St Paddy's day!

    Melissa (My words and pages)

  67. I have almost lost 50 lbs this past year. I think it is more hard work than luck...;)

    Thanks for the giveaway!


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!

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