
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You Will be Wonderstruck!

Ben and Rose each have a story, though they are set 50 years apart. One is told through pictures and the other through words. Yet, their stories have so much in common, as both kids find something that sparks their curiosity and leads them on a journey trying to find answers. As the stories unfold, the reader discovers that Ben and Rose have some things in common. From the clues in the pictures, readers are able to determine that Rose is deaf. Ben is deaf in one ear until he is involved in a fluke accident that changes his hearing and has him hospitalized. Will Rose and Ben find what they are looking for? Where will their quests take them? In what way are their stories connected? This is a must read book that you will not want to put down until you have worked out all of the clues!

After reading The Invention of Hugo Cabret I had been anticipating reading Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick. I was not disappointed! This book was amazing and was all that I wanted it to be and more. The pictures are so detailed and creative that I was captivated by each one. The style of the pictures is similar to Hugo, however, in Wonderstruck the drawings tell a different story than the one the reader is reading and this intrigued me. I loved pouring over each picture and trying to figure out how it might relate to Ben’s written story. Ben is such a determined character that my heart went out to him as he tried to adjust to his ever-changing life and new struggles that arose. I think this is a book that will appeal to all ages. I loved the settings and both characters. I learned so much from this book and I am now on my own quest to learn sign language! I cannot recommend this book enough and I am looking forward to future books by the amazing Brian Selznick.

Has anyone else read Wonderstruck or another book by Brian Selznick? Do you know sign language?

Happy Reading!


  1. Replies
    1. It is a must read. His writing and drawings just captivate me. :)

  2. I’ve not read anything by Brian Selznick but Wonderstruck certainly sounds interesting. I wish I did know sign language, but sadly no.

    1. Barbara- I know how much you love unique books and I think this book is right up your alley. A book you are sure to enjoy. I have already learned a few words in sign language this week. I can't wait to learn more. :)

  3. Glad you enjoyed this book! I keep meaning to pick up one of his books. They look so good.

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

    1. Alison-
      I highly recommend Wonderstruck and The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Such unique stories- you will love them!

  4. I thought The Invention of Hugo Cabret was a great book- can't wait to check this one out!

    1. Marcus- It is FANTASTIC! Maybe we could all learn sign language together after you read it. You never know- it could come in handy.

  5. Hey Lizzy, this one sounds great. Pictures in a mystery? I love poring over pictures, too. As for sign language, I do know the signs to few like 'Are you ok?' 'Thank you.' 'You're welcome' and strangely to the word 'Idiot.'

    1. Claudine- How cool that you know some sign language! It is funny to see the variety in the signs you know! lol. :) If you get this book- you are sure to love it!

  6. I so badly want to read this book! I think it sounds amazing! I love the cover and the title captured my interest right away. Good to hear you enjoyed it Jess!

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

    1. Ooops!!!! I meant to say Lizzie!! Sorry :)

    2. No problem, Megan. :) I hope you get to read Wonderstruck soon. I had been wanting to read it for a while, since I loved The Invention of Hugo Cabret. The cover is intriguing and so is the book! ENJOY!

  7. We loved Hugo Cabret & can't wait to read this one. Enjoyed your review- love the idea of finding clues and piecing together the connection between the stories! Very cool that it has inspired you to learn sign language!

    1. Bookspersonally- If you loved Hugo- then you will love this book as well. I am so glad you enjoyed the review. The puzzle is so interesting to put together. I saw someone signing last night and wish I had learned more. I know about 10 words now!

  8. This book sounds like the best read. You always find the most interesting books and activities.


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