
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Would You Stand Up For What You Believe?

Check out the Author Interview with Ann Martin!

Belle Teal lives with her mom and grandmother in the South. She is about to enter the 5th grade and has no idea what an important year it will be for her. It is only a few years after Little Rock became an integrated school, and now Belle’s own school is going through the desegregation process. She has only had white children in her class and she is excited for the change. Her mom reminds her to be kind to the new students and to smile. Throughout the process, Belle learns a lot about herself and those close to her. She has trouble when her close friend, Little Boss, is mean to one of the new boys, Darryl. Even though she knows he is only doing it because his father, Big Boss, is a bully, she can’t help but be disappointed. Not only are things changing at school, but at home Belle’s grandma is forgetting things. Her grandma doesn’t remember who Belle is and doesn’t know how to dress for the weather. Will Belle be able to change the opinions of those around her? What will she learn about friendship and treating people fairly? Will she be able to deal with what is happening to her grandmother? You must read this book to find out how everything turns out!

Belle Teal by Ann M. Martin is a wonderful book about a fantastic girl. Belle stands up for what she believes in and tries to make the world a better place. It is a super book for people of all ages and I think kids in fourth through seventh grade will especially relate to Belle. The book touches on issues in history, social problems, and emotional problems. Watching the family struggle through the grandmother's illness is hard and touching. I found myself totally engrossed in the lives of the people in the story. This is a book that is easy to relate to and the characters come alive. I really like Belle and think she has many qualities that make me want to be friends with her. Without a doubt, this is a story that made me want to make a difference in the world! If you have not read it, I highly recommend it. It just may remind you to be extra kind to those around you.

Has anyone else read Belle Teal by Ann M. Martin? Or read another book by Ann Martin?

Happy Reading! ~L


  1. Hey there Fairday Morrow, sounds like a great book and I will surely read it. I find these types of books inspiring and kids should be exposed to them. It would be a great book to highlight on my blog. Great review and thanks for dropping by and leaving comments for me. Blessings to you!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Belle Teal is definitely an inspiring book! Enjoy!

  2. Belle Teal sounds like a great book. I haven't read it- but I like strong characters that stand up for what they believe in. I will give it a try. I read A Dog's Life by Ann Martin and really liked it. It was fun to read a book from a dog's point of view.

    1. Elaine- It is a great book! A Dog's Life sounds fantastic. How to cool to read a book from a dog's point of view.

  3. I've not read any of Ann Martin's works. Sounds like a good book to read though. thanks for the review.

  4. I've not read anything by Ann Martin but after reading your review I'm definitely going to read Bella Teal.

  5. Ann M Martin sounds like the author from The Babysitters Club. Any chance it's the same person? Great review, I'd like to check this book out!

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

    1. Megan- Oh my goodness! Until you mentioned the Babysitters Club I didn't piece that together. I looked it up and you are right! I guess I have read more of Ann M. Martin's books than I knew! :) You should read Belle Teal, it is such a well-written book!

  6. I love your thoughts on this one... I have seen it mentioned in other posts. Another one to add to the pile!!!

  7. Patty- It is such a great book. I wish I was friends with Belle!

  8. This definitely sounds like a book I would like to read and have my children read. Thank you. The book fair is next week and I will look for it!

    1. momto8- It is a great book for a family to read together and discuss! Good luck at the book fair!

  9. Replies
    1. Elisa- It is! Belle is a spicy, strong girl!

  10. This book sounds so womderful. I am going to get it and read it with my daugher.

    1. Lucia- It is fantastic! What a great idea to read it with your daughter. :)

  11. Sounds like a good book for the whole family to read. Thanks for the review!

    1. Greg- It is perfect for the whole family to read! Glad you enjoyed the review!

  12. Sounds like a really interesting book and one that I want to read. Thanks for the review.

    1. Barabara- It is such a well-written and book. Knowing that Ann M. Martin got the idea from her own life makes the story that much better! :)

  13. Lovely review...this sounds like a very valuable book to share!

    1. Thanks, Patty! It is a very valuable book. :)

  14. I haven't read her books, but this one about Belle sounds exactly right for my niece. Thanks for telling us about this author.

    1. Cleemckenzie- I bet your niece would love this book. I kind of think of it like The Help for kids. It shows a different time period and how people responded to the changes going on around them. Such a touching story! ~Stephanie

  15. This book sounds like it should be recommended reading for all. I remember how heart-broken I was when my Grandma forgot who I was due to dementia. So sad, I loved her dearly.

    1. Angela- So true! Everyone of all ages would benefit from reading this book and opening their minds. I am sorry to hear about your grandma- that is such a hard thing for families to go through. I know you would be able to relate to Belle. Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Sounds exactly like what's happening to my grandmother, too. Aah! Fortunately for me, she still remembers me and my name. Cherish the dear ones, indeed. I'll place this book on my to-read. Just hope it won't break my heart too much. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Claudine- I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. It is such a difficult disease. I am glad she still remembers your name. I think you will enjoy this book- it may make you a little teary, but you will love Belle and her kind heart. Enjoy! ~Stephanie


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