
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Who Can You Trust?

In The Mysterious Benedict Society, orphan Reynie Muldoon reads an ad in the paper asking for gifted children to come and be rewarded with “special opportunities”. Right away he is interested! He follows the directions in the ad and strange things start happening. Reynie uses his quick wit and good character to pass a series of odd tests and then he meets some other children his age who are in the same situation. With their own unique personalities Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance form The Mysterious Benedict Society. Their mission is to attend an exclusive school on an island and spy for Mr. Benedict. Their task is dangerous and full of obstacles. Each character brings their unique personality and strengths to the table, and they must work together in order to make any progress on their mission. Will they be able to solve the clues to figure out what is going on at the island? Will they be able to get off the island alive? Read this intriguing book to find out.

I would recommend this book to kids between the ages of 9 and 13. It has a lot of large vocabulary words, so some people may find the book a bit difficult. Also, the book is quite long- but there are drawings here and there, so it isn’t as long as it looks. I really like Reynie- he is an honest and very intelligent kid. I would want him for a friend and he is a great detective. I also like Sticky a lot- even though he isn’t very confident- he is a good friend. The book seems to be realistic fiction at first, but there are many parts of the book that could not take place, so it has fantasy in it as well. Of course, I really love riddles and trying to solve mysteries- so this book gave me a lot to think about. This is a fantastic book for others who like to figure out riddles and piece together clues! And it is part of a series! The website is fun and iteractive.

Has anyone else read The Mysterious Benedict Society? Or another book by Trenton Lee Stewart?

Happy Reading!


  1. I started this book last year, but I didn't get into it right away. Maybe I will give it another shot. You never know, I might like it now that I am another yeear older.

  2. I thought this book was pretty good, too. I really liked trying to figure out the puzzles and riddles in the beginning when they were taking the test. Also- I thought the plot was interesting. Kate was pretty cool, too.

  3. I have never heard of this book... Sounds interesting! I checked the link- what a cool website!!!! (Yours, too!)


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