
Sunday, September 11, 2011

~Peaceful Thoughts~

In the sorrow of a life that is gone, peaceful hands carry the light that burns on. A soul that has touched our hearts, still beats with fervor in our thoughts. With life comes loss, and in loss we see, the grace and beauty still to be...
~ J.Haight

Dedicated to all those who lost someone special on 9/11

New York City 2011


  1. What a powerful tribute. Thinking of everyone who lost friends and loved ones.

  2. Can't believe it has been ten years. As a Canadian I want to send blessing to our American neighbours who suffered such horrific losses on that day. We were proud to be able to help and know how these events changed the world forever. Beautiful tribute.

  3. Hi Marilyn, Thanks so much for your comment- I believe that the thoughts and words of all of us create and shape the collective moments we all experience. It is those thoughts and words that set the stage for this world. Peace, love and forgiveness transcend into our hearts when the tides of past and present are brought together in remembrance, understanding, and honesty. Nothing real ever dies, and hope and love are the greatest gifts that anyone could ever ask for. ~ Jess

  4. Nice pictures and I liked what you wrote. It really made me think about September 11th.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Beautiful tribute, Fairday. It was a sad day yesterday- but it was wonderful to see all the flags flying. Your words are so true.


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