
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cupboards, Cupboards Everywhere!

While reading Book One: 100 Cupboards by N.D. Wilson- I found myself intrigued and scared! Henry is a twelve year old boy visiting his aunt, uncle, and cousins (all girls). His visit seems a bit mysterious and when he wakes up with plaster in his hair and knobs turning on his wall- the action really starts! Henry works hard to scrape off the rest of the plaster and reveals 100 cupboards of various shapes and sizes. He soon realizes he can hear and see through some of them. What is behind each of the cupboards? Are they safe to explore? Can anything come out? These questions and more will keep you turning the pages until you get to the end!

I like how the author built the plot and the story grew as I read. The characters were all interesting and unique. I think Henry is very brave and a bit daring because those cupboards gave me the shivers! This is a series- so it looks like there will be more exploring of the cupboards in the future- which excites me and makes my knees knock, too! I recommend this book to any kids between the ages of 9-13 who like a thrilling adventure with magic and a dose of fear!

Has anyone else read any of the 100 Cupboard series? Or another book by N.D. Wilson?

Happy Reading!


  1. I love the cover of this book-reminds me of home, and some of the bizzaro rooms in the Begonia House- ha, ha ~ F

  2. I bet you my nine-year-old daughter would LOVE this! You wrote such an awesome review; I want to go buy this right now.

    P. S. I love books like this too. I'm such a kid at heart. :)

  3. Great Blog Page and Review. I am now following you! Thanks for following my blog. I grabbed your button!

  4. Wow! This book sounds cool! Perfect for October! I also love the bool giveaway. Winning the book would be awesome and so would the gift card!

  5. This book sounds thrilling. I live sci-fi and fantasy. A spooky book is fun! I have never heard of this book. Thank you so much for writing this review. I am getting it this weekend!!!!!

  6. I just noticed the cat eyes on the cover! I wonder what that means! Yikes!

  7. Hi Jess - Love your site! *New Follower*

    Thanks for stoppin' by today!


  8. Hi Jess,

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog at Storybook Love Affair - and for your lovely comments about my review on Little Women.

    I am now a follower of your blog too and I also liked your Facebook page.

    Good luck with the book!


  9. This sounds cute! I may have to check it out. Thanks for following my blog, I'm now a follower of your blog also. :)

  10. Thanks so much for the comment that you left on my blog. I am following you now as well and would love to read your book. I am a HUGE fan of the Gregor the Overlander series as well.

  11. Hi Frishawn- Thanks! I also loved the Gregor series. Bootsis hilarious-
    If you are interested in reading the rest of The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow, please email your request to haightjess@gmail. There are a limited number of paperback copies that are being sent out. Thanks & Happy Reading!

  12. So nice to see all the new followers! :) Thanks!

  13. I started this book over the weekend. Your review is right on- I am scared and excited each time I open the book up. I can't wait to read more tonight!

  14. This sounds like an intriguing read, and I like the idea of the mystery surrounding the cupboards as well. I a good adventurous main character is definitely what we need for a story like this - the sound of it makes me think of Narnia!

    1. Olivia- I can see why it makes you think of Narnia! All the cupboards are fascinating and truly a little scary. It would be like having 100 Narnia's all at once- each one different. Definitely a mysterious and intriguing read. :) ~L


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