
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Not Camp Green Lake!

If you haven’t read Holes by Louis Sachar- you need to go out and get a copy now!

When the characters are named Zero, Armpit, X-ray, Twitch, Caveman, Mom, and Mr. Sir, you know you are in for an interesting book. Holes takes place at Camp Green Lake in the present time… and No! It isn’t a Girl Scout Camp! The boys at this camp have all been sentenced to the camp for breaking laws. They are at "camp" to build character and just maybe alter history. Stanley, a.k.a. Caveman, is the main character who takes us from the present, to the past, and back again. Will Stanley survive his sentence? Did he commit the crime he is charged with?

This wonderful fictional book is perfect for anyone who enjoys a witty and unique book. It’s one of my favorites!

Has anyone else read Holes? Or another book by Louis Sachar?



  1. I LOVED Holes, one of my fav's- the movie was really good too! ~F

  2. I agree! Holes is an awesome book! I read the sequel, Small Steps and didn't like it as much. The movie is good- but everyone should read the book!

  3. I think Holes was awesome. The story twists and then comes back around in the end- I think the other guys Stanley meets at camp Green Lake are hilarious, and it's cool how they give each other weird names, like Caveman- Zero is a really interesting character-

  4. I have not read this book yet. The review and comments sound great. I definitely want to read this book. I go to camp each summer- but I guess I don't want to go to Camp Green Lake. Lol

  5. So happy to hear that everyone that has read this book has loved it! I didn't know that there was a sequel. Trey- if you read it- you will love it! :)


  6. I haven't read this book yet, but I remember watching the movie a long time ago. :D I love witty books and will need to check this out xD

  7. Sarah- You will really enjoy this book then- because it is very witty! It is way better than the movie (which was still good)! Thanks for stopping by.

  8. I loved this book- perfect for kids and adults!

  9. I just finished this book. Thanks for letting me know about it. It is now one of my top ten favorite books. Zero is so cool! I would hate to be at Camp Greenlake, but the book was amazing!

  10. I loved this book a lot! I remember it being one of my favourites as a child that I read back in primary school. It had adventure, was creative and then the sequel - although different - was still very good as well. Also, the movie they made was spot on and perfect for the book!

    1. Olivia- I loved the book and the movie too. I read the sequel and it was different, but good. I felt it was for older kids- but I liked that things tied in from all different areas- just like in Holes. I have reread Holes a few times and enjoyed each reading. :) ~L


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