
Monday, August 29, 2011


Well, here in New England we have weathered the storm. My power is back on, but I haven't been able to get a hold of Fairday yet. I saw on the news that many place in CT are still without power. I can't even imagine being in the Begonia House without power! That old house is spooky already (but fun and cool at the same time)! If I don't hear from her in a little while- I will post a riddle for Monday. Then, she can post a book review on Wednesday. We will swap!

Hope all of you are okay and that Irene wasn't too bad to you!


  1. Here where I live in CT just about nothing happened. Couple yards flooded power out in some places lots of rain and a couple of strong gusts... Like I said absolutely nothing.It Could've just been a more powerful than normal tropical storm. But it wasn't.
    hope every body is ok who got hit hard.

  2. SE- So glad to hear that you weren't hit too badly by Irene! I find it so amazing that some people were barely hit and others had their houses destroyed, power out, trees fall, etc. I just heard from Fairday (she emailed me from the town library) and she STILL doesn't have power!

  3. Our power just came back on. Yeah! I had fun without power- rode my
    bike and went swimming today. Last night my whole family
    played board games. Hope everyone without power gets it back on soon!


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