
Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Sneak Peek into Mrs. Robinson's Harry Potter Party!

Okay, so Mrs. Robinson's 5th grade Harry Potter Party was AWESOME! The clever Ravenclaws took the house cup for the third year in a row!
Congratulations Ravenclaw!

Here's a sneak peek into all the fun!

Professor Robinson welcomes her witches and wizards

Welcome to Hogwarts!

High-heeled sneakers and Hagrid!

The classroom magically transformed!

The kids are excited for the game and the stakes are high!

Goofing around : )

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge on what you see..."

Is it a Hermione spell card?

It really was an awesome time! Can't wait for next year's game. ~F


  1. I wish my class had a Harry Potter party. How fun! The classroom looks awesome- love the decorations. I am just about to start rereading (or listening to it on cd) The Deathly Hallows so that I can be ready for the last movie.

  2. it was good!
    Congrats to the eagles!

  3. S.E.-
    You are lucky! I wish I was at the party. I am a big Harry Potter fan and I love parties. :)

    Those Ravenclaws are smartypants! Were you in that house?



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