
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Riddle Answer!

Wow, that one really kept everyone guessing!
Lizzy, you got it!

Monday's Riddle submitted by S.E.

You cannot see me, though I whisper in your ear. I am both dead and alive each passing year. You scream and run, try to hide, but it's all for not, I'm at your side. These small clues should get you by, so now I ask, what am I ?

Roll over for answer: Your Greatest Fear

Oddly enough, one of my greatest fears is sharks. Thankfully they're not whispering in my ear all the time- but, I swear I hear them talking about me whenever I go swimming in the ocean... ~F

1 comment:

  1. Great riddle! I knew I was close. I have a small fear of sharks, Fairday- but know that I don't need to worry too much. I still love the ocean. Can't wait to see Monday's riddle. I'm hoping to have time soon to draw a picture for the contest. It sounds fun!


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