
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Riddle Answer!

You guys are too quick for me! No one ever needs the clue! A video camera works too, Lizzy- S.E. send your riddle to and I will post it, sounds cool- F

Memorial Day Riddle
History speaks through me, when caught in time
A thought or emotion, in you I find
I never lie, though I can be seen many ways
Through different eyes, I reflect passing days
What am I?

Answer: A Photograph


  1. Fun! I tried to comment the other day, but the computer wouldn't let me comment. Seems to be working now. I was going to guess a journal or diary.

  2. Thanks for the memorial day riddle, I've been trying to find some good holiday riddles. Came across a few if you don't mind me sharing: Holiday Riddles


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