
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Answer to Monday's Riddle: Bright as the Sun...

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we'll rise up like the phoenix. Lizzy's review will open our hearts, and Friday we'll be chatting with Nora Raleigh Baskin, so be sure to check back. See you all around the book block. ; ) ~  F

Reborn in ash, I rise to the sun. No others like me; I'm the only one. The heaviest weight I carry free, and my tears heal wounds like the salt of the sea. A symbol living in the threads of time, I'll awaken the heart to rewrite the line. I'm quite elusive and hard to find, but I keep my space inside of ones mind. Should I need to rest, there's a perch where I go- kept tidy for me by a wizard I know.

What am I? Answer: Phoenix Bird 

Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations 

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I 

Available in all e-book formats
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  1. Back on the right train at my lane

  2. Ah, nice riddle! Phoenixes are fascinating.

  3. I'm interested to see what book you are going to review whether it's a Harry Potter book or mythology perhaps?

  4. love Phoenixes! Always makes me think of Harry Potter :) which come to think of it I need to re read the series one of these days!

  5. Besides the great riddle, I love the pic.

  6. The Phoenix is such a mystical creature. And beautiful, so so beautiful. Wonderful post :)

  7. I am not too good when it comes to riddles. But I do like the idea you have running here! It's good to keep our minds sharp. Oh, and I love phoenixes <3

  8. I am not all that great with riddles... when I hear the answer it is usually not too far off... I wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog Jess... It was incredibly sweet... Have a wonderful day <3 xox

  9. Dang it, I missed this yesterday! I'd like to think I'd guess it, after just reading Kelly's book, but who knows :) Love the riddle though!

  10. I am bad at riddles, even when I should know them

  11. Aww, I missed this one. Phoenixes are so fascinating.

  12. If I'm in a fantasy world, I'd pick phoenix for a pet. They are amazing creatures. So many interesting things you've posted here. :)


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