
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Top of the Heap!

Monday's Riddle set our course of direction this week, and we have been chatting about the many wondrous maps out there. Wednesday, Fairday reviewed The Mapmaker's Sons by V.L. Burgess, which took us far into the Beyond. Friday, we will be chatting with C. Lee Mckenzie about her exciting middle grade novel Alligators Overhead. So, be sure to check back! Today we want to take a minute to point you towards some pretty cool maps that we have come across : )

This week's top of the heap: Great Maps ⚑ 

Fairday: I have been racking my brain about what map I want to talk about- there are so many! I knew Lizzy was going to chat about the Marauder's Map from Harry Potter, and I wanted one that would be as cool as that. I thought about all the maps I know of: Middle Earth, Hogwarts, Faerie realm, and so forth. Then I thought of The Mapmaker's Son's by V.L. Burgess. I enjoyed both the story and the illustrations of the five kingdoms. I decided that it would be fun to make up my own map using some of my favorite places from stories. Check out Fairday's Fantasy Story Map...

Lizzy: There are maps to buried treasures and faraway places, but the map I think is the most amazing is the Marauder’s Map from the Harry Potter series. Imagine having a map of a magical place! It would be fantastic to hold in my hands a picture of every inch of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I would love to see little footprints appearing letting me know where everyone was. I know I would pour over the images trying to soak it all in. A lot of credit should go to its creators, Padfoot, Moony, Prongs, and Wormtail! Who knows- maybe one day I will find something as special ; ) ~L


  1. Jess! Your Fairday's Fantasy map is wonderful!! <3
    I am so curious about the Endless ocean, Cliffs of Insanity and ... what is the lonely mountain?? Did you do the artwork yourself?? Is so, WOW ... you are so dang talented! :D

    1. Hi M.A.D., Thank you so much! I had a blast drawing it : ) Always fabulous to hear from you! ~ Jess

  2. This is so awesome!!! We love it!! The artwork is beautiful!
    ~Katertot and Michele~

    1. Hi Cheles Bells, Thanks so much! I have been thinking about all the different areas for a while now, and feel some stories brewing! LOL : ) Thanks for stopping by! ~ F

  3. I have a soft spot for treasure maps. I was always drawing them as a kid. Love your map with the Princess Bride and Hobbit references.

    1. Hi Leslie, Thanks! I loved idea of the Cliffs of Insanity from The Princess Bride, which is one of my favorite movies : ) Thanks for stopping by! ~ F

  4. At one point in my life I wanted to be a mapmaker. I still like to draw up maps of imaginary places....

    1. Hi Bish, Isn't it so fun?!? Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

    2. That sounds like such a fun job! ... until you actually have to start doing it for a living of course :P

    3. Anaavu- Defintely harder than it seems. Thanks for stopping by! ~F

  5. I love when fantasy stories have maps. They just make everything cooler :) Also, it helps to know where places are in relation to each other. The Marauder's Map is definitely one of my favourites. Lol, I'd totally use it to spy or eavesdrop on people.

    1. Hi A Canadian Girl, I must confess... so would I! lol : ) Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us! ~ F

  6. Hi Heidi, The Marauder's Map is so much fun! Can you even imagine how interesting it would be to get your hands on that map : ) Great to hear from you! ~ F

  7. Maps are such fun. What if...what if one of us DID discover a map so different from any other... what an adventure would await!

    1. Donna- I would love to discover a map that would lead me on an adventure. You never know! ~F


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